
Class IgnorePropertiesUtil

  • public class IgnorePropertiesUtil
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • IgnorePropertiesUtil

        public IgnorePropertiesUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • shouldIgnore

        public static boolean shouldIgnore(Object value,
                                           Collection<String> toIgnore,
                                           Collection<String> toInclude)
        Decide if we need to ignore a property or not, given a set of field to ignore and a set of field to include.
      • buildCheckerIfNeeded

        public static IgnorePropertiesUtil.Checker buildCheckerIfNeeded(Set<String> toIgnore,
                                                                        Set<String> toInclude)
        Factory method for creating and return a IgnorePropertiesUtil.Checker instance if (and only if) one needed.
        toIgnore - Set of property names to ignore (may be null)
        toInclude - Set of only property names to include (if null, undefined)
        Checker, if validity checks are needed; null otherwise
      • combineNamesToInclude

        public static Set<String> combineNamesToInclude(Set<String> prevToInclude,
                                                        Set<String> newToInclude)
        Helper that encapsulates logic for combining two sets of "included names": default logic is to do intersection (name must be in both to be included in result)
        prevToInclude - Existing set of names to include, if defined; null means "not defined"
        newToInclude - New set of names to included, if defined; null means "not defined"
        Resulting set of names, using intersection if neither null; or the non-null one (if only one is null); or null if both arguments null.

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