See: Description
Class | Description |
ArrayBlockingQueueDeserializer |
We need a custom deserializer both because
ArrayBlockingQueue has no
default constructor AND because it has size limit used for constructing
underlying storage automatically. |
AtomicBooleanDeserializer | |
AtomicIntegerDeserializer | |
AtomicLongDeserializer | |
AtomicReferenceDeserializer | |
ByteBufferDeserializer | |
CollectionDeserializer |
Basic serializer that can take JSON "Array" structure and
construct a
Collection instance, with typed contents. |
CollectionDeserializer.CollectionReferringAccumulator |
Helper class for dealing with Object Id references for values contained in
collections being deserialized.
ContainerDeserializerBase<T> |
Intermediate base deserializer class that adds more shared accessor
so that other classes can access information about contained (value) types
DateDeserializers |
Container class for core JDK date/time type deserializers.
DateDeserializers.CalendarDeserializer | |
DateDeserializers.DateBasedDeserializer<T> | |
DateDeserializers.DateDeserializer |
Simple deserializer for handling
Date values. |
DateDeserializers.SqlDateDeserializer |
Compared to plain old
Date , SQL version is easier
to deal with: mostly because it is more limited. |
DateDeserializers.TimestampDeserializer |
Simple deserializer for handling
Timestamp values. |
DelegatingDeserializer |
Base class that simplifies implementations of
JsonDeserializer s
that mostly delegate functionality to another deserializer implementation
(possibly forming a chaining of deserializers delegating functionality
in some cases) |
EnumDeserializer |
Deserializer class that can deserialize instances of
specified Enum class from Strings and Integers.
EnumMapDeserializer |
Deserializer for
EnumMap values. |
EnumSetDeserializer |
Standard deserializer for
EnumSet s. |
FromStringDeserializer<T> |
Base class for simple deserializers that serialize values from String
representation: this includes JSON Strings and other Scalar values that
can be coerced into text, like Numbers and Booleans).
FromStringDeserializer.Std |
"Chameleon" deserializer that works on simple types that are deserialized
from a simple String.
JdkDeserializers |
Container class that contains serializers for JDK types that
require special handling for some reason.
JsonLocationInstantiator |
JsonLocation , we should be able to just implement
ValueInstantiator (not that explicit one would be very
hard but...) |
JsonNodeDeserializer | |
MapDeserializer |
Basic deserializer that can take JSON "Object" structure and
construct a
Map instance, with typed contents. |
MapEntryDeserializer |
Basic serializer that can take JSON "Object" structure and
construct a
Map instance, with typed contents. |
NullifyingDeserializer |
Bogus deserializer that will simply skip all content there is to map
and returns Java null reference.
NumberDeserializers |
Container class for deserializers that handle core JDK primitive
(and matching wrapper) types, as well as standard "big" numeric types.
NumberDeserializers.BigDecimalDeserializer | |
NumberDeserializers.BigIntegerDeserializer |
This is bit trickier to implement efficiently, while avoiding
overflow problems.
NumberDeserializers.BooleanDeserializer | |
NumberDeserializers.ByteDeserializer | |
NumberDeserializers.CharacterDeserializer | |
NumberDeserializers.DoubleDeserializer | |
NumberDeserializers.FloatDeserializer | |
NumberDeserializers.IntegerDeserializer | |
NumberDeserializers.LongDeserializer | |
NumberDeserializers.NumberDeserializer |
For type
Number.class , we can just rely on type
mappings that plain JsonParser.getNumberValue() returns. |
NumberDeserializers.PrimitiveOrWrapperDeserializer<T> | |
NumberDeserializers.ShortDeserializer | |
ObjectArrayDeserializer |
Serializer that can serialize non-primitive arrays.
PrimitiveArrayDeserializers<T> |
Container for deserializers used for instantiating "primitive arrays",
arrays that contain non-object java primitive types.
ReferenceTypeDeserializer<T> |
Base deserializer implementation for properties
ReferenceType values. |
StackTraceElementDeserializer | |
StackTraceElementDeserializer.Adapter |
Intermediate class used both for convenience of binding and
to support
PropertyNamingStrategy . |
StdDelegatingDeserializer<T> |
Deserializer implementation where given Java type is first deserialized
by a standard Jackson deserializer into a delegate type; and then
this delegate type is converted using a configured
Converter into desired target type. |
StdDeserializer<T> |
Base class for common deserializers.
StdKeyDeserializer |
KeyDeserializer implementation used for most Map
types Jackson supports. |
StdKeyDeserializers |
Helper class used to contain simple/well-known key deserializers.
StdNodeBasedDeserializer<T> |
Convenience deserializer that may be used to deserialize values given an
intermediate tree representation (
JsonNode ). |
StdScalarDeserializer<T> |
Base class for deserializers that handle types that are serialized
as JSON scalars (non-structured, i.e. non-Object, non-Array, values).
StdValueInstantiator |
ValueInstantiator implementation, which supports
Creator methods that can be indicated by standard Jackson
annotations. |
StringArrayDeserializer |
Separate implementation for serializing String arrays (instead of
ObjectArrayDeserializer . |
StringCollectionDeserializer |
Specifically optimized version for
Collection s
that contain String values; reason is that this is a very common
type and we can make use of the fact that Strings are final. |
StringDeserializer | |
ThrowableDeserializer |
Deserializer that builds on basic
BeanDeserializer but
override some aspects like instance construction. |
TokenBufferDeserializer |
We also want to directly support deserialization of
TokenBuffer . |
UntypedObjectDeserializer |
Deserializer implementation that is used if it is necessary to bind content of
"unknown" type; something declared as basic
(either explicitly, or due to type erasure). |
UntypedObjectDeserializer.Vanilla | Deprecated |
UUIDDeserializer |
Note that since this package was only added relatively late in development cycle, not all classes that belong here are included. Plan is to move more classes over time.
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