
Class BeanDeserializerBuilder

  • public class BeanDeserializerBuilder
    extends Object
    Builder class used for aggregating deserialization information about a POJO, in order to build a JsonDeserializer for deserializing instances.
    • Field Detail

      • _beanDesc

        protected final BeanDescription _beanDesc
        Introspected information about POJO for deserializer to handle
      • _propsBasedCreatorParams

        protected SettableBeanProperty[] _propsBasedCreatorParams
        Parameters of the primary properties-based Creator, if any.
      • _injectables

        protected List<ValueInjector> _injectables
        Value injectors for deserialization
      • _ignorableProps

        protected HashSet<String> _ignorableProps
        Set of names of properties that are recognized but are to be ignored for deserialization purposes (meaning no exception is thrown, value is just skipped).
      • _includableProps

        protected HashSet<String> _includableProps
        Set of names of properties that are recognized and are set to be included for deserialization purposes (null deactivate this, empty includes nothing).
      • _valueInstantiator

        protected ValueInstantiator _valueInstantiator
        Object that will handle value instantiation for the bean type.
      • _objectIdReader

        protected ObjectIdReader _objectIdReader
        Handler for Object Id values, if Object Ids are enabled for the bean type.
      • _anySetter

        protected SettableAnyProperty _anySetter
        Fallback setter used for handling any properties that are not mapped to regular setters. If setter is not null, it will be called once for each such property.
      • _ignoreAllUnknown

        protected boolean _ignoreAllUnknown
        Flag that can be set to ignore and skip unknown properties. If set, will not throw an exception for unknown properties.
      • _buildMethod

        protected AnnotatedMethod _buildMethod
        When creating Builder-based deserializers, this indicates method to call on builder to finalize value.
      • _builderConfig

        protected JsonPOJOBuilder.Value _builderConfig
        In addition, Builder may have additional configuration

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