
Interface VisibilityChecker<T extends VisibilityChecker<T>>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface VisibilityChecker<T extends VisibilityChecker<T>>
    Interface for object used for determine which property elements (methods, fields, constructors) can be auto-detected, with respect to their visibility modifiers.

    Note on type declaration: funky recursive type is necessary to support builder/fluent pattern.

    • Method Detail

      • with

        T with(JsonAutoDetect ann)
        Builder method that will return an instance that has same settings as this instance has, except for values that given annotation overrides.
      • withOverrides

        T withOverrides(JsonAutoDetect.Value vis)
        Method that can be used for merging default values from `this` instance with specified overrides; and either return `this` if overrides had no effect (that is, result would be equal), or a new instance with merged visibility settings.
      • with

        T with(JsonAutoDetect.Visibility v)
        Builder method that will create and return an instance that has specified JsonAutoDetect.Visibility value to use for all property elements. Typical usage would be something like:
        (which would basically disable all auto-detection)
      • withVisibility

        T withVisibility(PropertyAccessor method,
                         JsonAutoDetect.Visibility v)
        Builder method that will create and return an instance that has specified JsonAutoDetect.Visibility value to use for specified property. Typical usage would be:
             mapper.getVisibilityChecker().withVisibility(JsonMethod.FIELD, Visibility.ANY));
        (which would basically enable auto-detection for all member fields)
      • withGetterVisibility

        T withGetterVisibility(JsonAutoDetect.Visibility v)
        Builder method that will return a checker instance that has specified minimum visibility level for regular ("getXxx") getters.
      • withIsGetterVisibility

        T withIsGetterVisibility(JsonAutoDetect.Visibility v)
        Builder method that will return a checker instance that has specified minimum visibility level for "is-getters" ("isXxx").
      • withSetterVisibility

        T withSetterVisibility(JsonAutoDetect.Visibility v)
        Builder method that will return a checker instance that has specified minimum visibility level for setters.
      • withCreatorVisibility

        T withCreatorVisibility(JsonAutoDetect.Visibility v)
        Builder method that will return a checker instance that has specified minimum visibility level for creator methods (constructors, factory methods)
      • withFieldVisibility

        T withFieldVisibility(JsonAutoDetect.Visibility v)
        Builder method that will return a checker instance that has specified minimum visibility level for fields.
      • isGetterVisible

        boolean isGetterVisible(Method m)
        Method for checking whether given method is auto-detectable as regular getter, with respect to its visibility (not considering method signature or name, just visibility)
      • isIsGetterVisible

        boolean isIsGetterVisible(Method m)
        Method for checking whether given method is auto-detectable as is-getter, with respect to its visibility (not considering method signature or name, just visibility)
      • isSetterVisible

        boolean isSetterVisible(Method m)
        Method for checking whether given method is auto-detectable as setter, with respect to its visibility (not considering method signature or name, just visibility)
      • isCreatorVisible

        boolean isCreatorVisible(Member m)
        Method for checking whether given method is auto-detectable as Creator, with respect to its visibility (not considering method signature or name, just visibility)
      • isFieldVisible

        boolean isFieldVisible(Field f)
        Method for checking whether given field is auto-detectable as property, with respect to its visibility (not considering method signature or name, just visibility)

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