
Interface Module.SetupContext

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface Module.SetupContext
    Interface Jackson exposes to modules for purpose of registering extended functionality. Usually implemented by ObjectMapper, but modules should NOT rely on this -- if they do require access to mapper instance, they need to call getOwner() method.
    • Method Detail

      • getMapperVersion

        Version getMapperVersion()
        Method that returns version information about ObjectMapper that implements this context. Modules can use this to choose different settings or initialization order; or even decide to fail set up completely if version is compatible with module.
      • getOwner

        <C extends ObjectCodec> C getOwner()
        Fallback access method that allows modules to refer to the ObjectMapper that provided this context. It should NOT be needed by most modules; and ideally should not be used -- however, there may be cases where this may be necessary due to various design constraints.

        NOTE: use of this method is discouraged, as it allows access to things Modules typically should not modify. It is included, however, to allow access to new features in cases where Module API has not yet been extended, or there are oversights.

        Return value is chosen to not leak dependency to ObjectMapper; however, instance will always be of that type. This is why return value is declared generic, to allow caller to specify context to often avoid casting.

      • getTypeFactory

        TypeFactory getTypeFactory()
        Accessor for finding TypeFactory that is currently configured by the context.

        NOTE: since it is possible that other modules might change or replace TypeFactory, use of this method adds order-dependency for registrations.

      • configOverride

        MutableConfigOverride configOverride(Class<?> type)
        "Mutant accessor" for getting a mutable configuration override object for given type, needed to add or change per-type overrides applied to properties of given type. Usage is through returned object by colling "setter" methods, which directly modify override object and take effect directly. For example you can do
        to change the default format to use for properties of type Date (possibly further overridden by per-property annotations)
      • addDeserializers

        void addDeserializers(Deserializers d)
        Method that module can use to register additional deserializers to use for handling types.
        d - Object that can be called to find deserializer for types supported by module (null returned for non-supported types)
        See Also:
        is used to register key deserializers (for Map keys)
      • addKeyDeserializers

        void addKeyDeserializers(KeyDeserializers s)
        Method that module can use to register additional deserializers to use for handling Map key values (which are separate from value deserializers because they are always serialized from String values)
      • addSerializers

        void addSerializers(Serializers s)
        Method that module can use to register additional serializers to use for handling types.
        s - Object that can be called to find serializer for types supported by module (null returned for non-supported types)
        See Also:
        is used to register key serializers (for Map keys)
      • addKeySerializers

        void addKeySerializers(Serializers s)
        Method that module can use to register additional serializers to use for handling Map key values (which are separate from value serializers because they must write JsonToken.FIELD_NAME instead of String value).
      • addBeanDeserializerModifier

        void addBeanDeserializerModifier(BeanDeserializerModifier mod)
        Method that module can use to register additional modifier objects to customize configuration and construction of bean deserializers.
        mod - Modifier to register
      • addBeanSerializerModifier

        void addBeanSerializerModifier(BeanSerializerModifier mod)
        Method that module can use to register additional modifier objects to customize configuration and construction of bean serializers.
        mod - Modifier to register
      • addAbstractTypeResolver

        void addAbstractTypeResolver(AbstractTypeResolver resolver)
        Method that module can use to register additional AbstractTypeResolver instance, to handle resolution of abstract to concrete types (either by defaulting, or by materializing).
        resolver - Resolver to add.
      • addTypeModifier

        void addTypeModifier(TypeModifier modifier)
        Method that module can use to register additional TypeModifier instance, which can augment JavaType instances constructed by TypeFactory.
        modifier - to add
      • addValueInstantiators

        void addValueInstantiators(ValueInstantiators instantiators)
        Method that module can use to register additional ValueInstantiators, by adding ValueInstantiators object that gets called when instantatiator is needed by a deserializer.
        instantiators - Object that can provide ValueInstantiators for constructing POJO values during deserialization
      • setClassIntrospector

        void setClassIntrospector(ClassIntrospector ci)
        Method for replacing the default class introspector with a derived class that overrides specific behavior.
        ci - Derived class of ClassIntrospector with overriden behavior
      • insertAnnotationIntrospector

        void insertAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospector ai)
        Method for registering specified AnnotationIntrospector as the highest priority introspector (will be chained with existing introspector(s) which will be used as fallbacks for cases this introspector does not handle)
        ai - Annotation introspector to register.
      • appendAnnotationIntrospector

        void appendAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospector ai)
        Method for registering specified AnnotationIntrospector as the lowest priority introspector, chained with existing introspector(s) and called as fallback for cases not otherwise handled.
        ai - Annotation introspector to register.
      • registerSubtypes

        void registerSubtypes(Class<?>... subtypes)
        Method for registering specified classes as subtypes (of supertype(s) they have)
      • registerSubtypes

        void registerSubtypes(NamedType... subtypes)
        Method for registering specified classes as subtypes (of supertype(s) they have), using specified type names.
      • registerSubtypes

        void registerSubtypes(Collection<Class<?>> subtypes)
        Method for registering specified classes as subtypes (of supertype(s) they have)
      • setMixInAnnotations

        void setMixInAnnotations(Class<?> target,
                                 Class<?> mixinSource)
        Method used for defining mix-in annotations to use for augmenting specified class or interface. All annotations from mixinSource are taken to override annotations that target (or its supertypes) has.

        Note: mix-ins are registered both for serialization and deserialization (which can be different internally).

        Note: currently only one set of mix-in annotations can be defined for a single class; so if multiple modules register mix-ins, highest priority one (last one registered) will have priority over other modules.

        target - Class (or interface) whose annotations to effectively override
        mixinSource - Class (or interface) whose annotations are to be "added" to target's annotations, overriding as necessary
      • addDeserializationProblemHandler

        void addDeserializationProblemHandler(DeserializationProblemHandler handler)
        Add a deserialization problem handler
        handler - The deserialization problem handler

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