public class BeanAsArrayDeserializer extends BeanDeserializerBase
used for handling deserialization
of POJOs when serialized as JSON Arrays, instead of JSON Objects.JsonDeserializer.None
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected BeanDeserializerBase |
Deserializer we delegate operations that we cannot handle.
protected SettableBeanProperty[] |
Properties in order expected to be found in JSON array.
_anySetter, _arrayDelegateDeserializer, _backRefs, _beanProperties, _beanType, _delegateDeserializer, _externalTypeIdHandler, _ignorableProps, _ignoreAllUnknown, _includableProps, _injectables, _needViewProcesing, _nonStandardCreation, _objectIdReader, _propertyBasedCreator, _serializationShape, _subDeserializers, _unwrappedPropertyHandler, _valueInstantiator, _vanillaProcessing, TEMP_PROPERTY_NAME
Constructor and Description |
BeanAsArrayDeserializer(BeanDeserializerBase delegate,
SettableBeanProperty[] ordered)
Main constructor used both for creating new instances (by
BeanDeserializer.asArrayDeserializer() ) and for
creating copies with different delegate. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Object |
_deserializeFromNonArray(JsonParser p,
DeserializationContext ctxt) |
protected Object |
_deserializeNonVanilla(JsonParser p,
DeserializationContext ctxt)
Alternate deserialization method that has to check many more configuration
aspects than the "vanilla" processing.
protected Object |
_deserializeUsingPropertyBased(JsonParser p,
DeserializationContext ctxt)
Method called to deserialize bean using "property-based creator":
this means that a non-default constructor or factory method is
called, and then possibly other setters.
protected BeanDeserializerBase |
Fluent factory for creating a variant that can handle
POJO output as a JSON Array.
Object |
deserialize(JsonParser p,
DeserializationContext ctxt)
Method that can be called to ask implementation to deserialize
JSON content into the value type this serializer handles.
Object |
deserialize(JsonParser p,
DeserializationContext ctxt,
Object bean)
Alternate deserialization method (compared to the most commonly
JsonDeserializer.deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) ),
which takes in initialized value instance, to be
configured and/or populated by deserializer. |
Object |
deserializeFromObject(JsonParser p,
DeserializationContext ctxt)
General version used when handling needs more advanced
JsonDeserializer<Object> |
unwrappingDeserializer(NameTransformer unwrapper)
Method that will return deserializer instance that is able
to handle "unwrapped" value instances
If no unwrapped instance can be constructed, will simply
return this object as-is.
BeanDeserializerBase |
withBeanProperties(BeanPropertyMap props)
Mutant factory method that custom sub-classes must override; not left as
abstract to prevent more drastic backwards compatibility problems.
BeanDeserializerBase |
withByNameInclusion(Set<String> ignorableProps,
Set<String> includableProps) |
BeanDeserializerBase |
withIgnoreAllUnknown(boolean ignoreUnknown) |
BeanDeserializerBase |
withObjectIdReader(ObjectIdReader oir) |
_convertObjectId, _delegateDeserializer, _delegateDeserializer, _findPropertyUnwrapper, _findSubclassDeserializer, _getSetterInfo, _handleByNameInclusion, _handleTypedObjectId, _replaceProperty, _resolvedObjectIdProperty, _resolveInnerClassValuedProperty, _resolveManagedReferenceProperty, _resolveMergeAndNullSettings, createContextual, creatorProperties, deserializeFromArray, deserializeFromBoolean, deserializeFromDouble, deserializeFromEmbedded, deserializeFromNumber, deserializeFromObjectId, deserializeFromObjectUsingNonDefault, deserializeFromString, deserializeWithObjectId, deserializeWithType, findBackReference, findConvertingDeserializer, findProperty, findProperty, findProperty, getBeanClass, getEmptyAccessPattern, getEmptyValue, getKnownPropertyNames, getNullAccessPattern, getObjectIdReader, getPropertyCount, getValueInstantiator, getValueType, handledType, handleIgnoredProperty, handlePolymorphic, handlePolymorphic, handleUnknownProperties, handleUnknownProperty, handleUnknownVanilla, hasProperty, hasViews, injectValues, isCachable, isCaseInsensitive, logicalType, properties, replaceProperty, resolve, supportsUpdate, withIgnorableProperties, wrapAndThrow, wrapInstantiationProblem
_byteOverflow, _checkBooleanToStringCoercion, _checkCoercionFail, _checkDoubleSpecialValue, _checkFloatSpecialValue, _checkFloatToIntCoercion, _checkFloatToStringCoercion, _checkFromStringCoercion, _checkFromStringCoercion, _checkIntToFloatCoercion, _checkIntToStringCoercion, _checkTextualNull, _checkToStringCoercion, _coerceBooleanFromInt, _coercedTypeDesc, _coercedTypeDesc, _coerceEmptyString, _coerceIntegral, _coerceNullToken, _coerceTextualNull, _deserializeFromArray, _deserializeFromEmpty, _deserializeFromEmptyString, _deserializeFromString, _deserializeWrappedValue, _failDoubleToIntCoercion, _findCoercionFromBlankString, _findCoercionFromEmptyArray, _findCoercionFromEmptyString, _findNullProvider, _hasTextualNull, _intOverflow, _isBlank, _isEmptyOrTextualNull, _isFalse, _isIntNumber, _isNaN, _isNegInf, _isPosInf, _isTrue, _neitherNull, _nonNullNumber, _parseBoolean, _parseBooleanFromInt, _parseBooleanPrimitive, _parseBooleanPrimitive, _parseBytePrimitive, _parseDate, _parseDate, _parseDateFromArray, _parseDouble, _parseDouble, _parseDoublePrimitive, _parseDoublePrimitive, _parseDoublePrimitive, _parseFloatPrimitive, _parseFloatPrimitive, _parseFloatPrimitive, _parseInteger, _parseInteger, _parseIntPrimitive, _parseIntPrimitive, _parseLong, _parseLong, _parseLongPrimitive, _parseLongPrimitive, _parseShortPrimitive, _parseString, _parseString, _reportFailedNullCoerce, _shortOverflow, _verifyEndArrayForSingle, _verifyNullForPrimitive, _verifyNullForPrimitiveCoercion, _verifyNullForScalarCoercion, _verifyNumberForScalarCoercion, _verifyStringForScalarCoercion, findContentNullProvider, findContentNullStyle, findConvertingContentDeserializer, findDeserializer, findFormatFeature, findFormatOverrides, findValueNullProvider, getValueClass, getValueType, handleMissingEndArrayForSingle, handleNestedArrayForSingle, isDefaultDeserializer, isDefaultKeyDeserializer
deserializeWithType, getAbsentValue, getDelegatee, getEmptyValue, getNullValue, getNullValue, replaceDelegatee
protected final BeanDeserializerBase _delegate
protected final SettableBeanProperty[] _orderedProperties
public BeanAsArrayDeserializer(BeanDeserializerBase delegate, SettableBeanProperty[] ordered)
) and for
creating copies with different delegate.public JsonDeserializer<Object> unwrappingDeserializer(NameTransformer unwrapper)
Default implementation just returns 'this' indicating that no unwrapped variant exists
in class BeanDeserializerBase
public BeanDeserializerBase withObjectIdReader(ObjectIdReader oir)
in class BeanDeserializerBase
public BeanDeserializerBase withByNameInclusion(Set<String> ignorableProps, Set<String> includableProps)
in class BeanDeserializerBase
public BeanDeserializerBase withIgnoreAllUnknown(boolean ignoreUnknown)
in class BeanDeserializerBase
public BeanDeserializerBase withBeanProperties(BeanPropertyMap props)
in class BeanDeserializerBase
protected BeanDeserializerBase asArrayDeserializer()
in class BeanDeserializerBase
public Object deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException
Pre-condition for this method is that the parser points to the first event that is part of value to deserializer (and which is never JSON 'null' literal, more on this below): for simple types it may be the only value; and for structured types the Object start marker or a FIELD_NAME.
The two possible input conditions for structured types result from polymorphism via fields. In the ordinary case, Jackson calls this method when it has encountered an OBJECT_START, and the method implementation must advance to the next token to see the first field name. If the application configures polymorphism via a field, then the object looks like the following.
{ "@class": "class name", ... }Jackson consumes the two tokens (the @class field name and its value) in order to learn the class and select the deserializer. Thus, the stream is pointing to the FIELD_NAME for the first field after the @class. Thus, if you want your method to work correctly both with and without polymorphism, you must begin your method with:
if (p.currentToken() == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) { p.nextToken(); }This results in the stream pointing to the field name, so that the two conditions align.
Post-condition is that the parser will point to the last event that is part of deserialized value (or in case deserialization fails, event that was not recognized or usable, which may be the same event as the one it pointed to upon call).
Handling null values (JsonToken.VALUE_NULL)
: Note that this method is never called for the JSON null
literal to avoid
every deserializer from having to handle null values. Instead, the
is called to produce a null value. To influence null handling,
custom deserializers should override
and usually also JsonDeserializer.getNullAccessPattern()
in class JsonDeserializer<Object>
- Parser used for reading JSON contentctxt
- Context that can be used to access information about
this deserialization activity.IOException
public Object deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object bean) throws IOException
JsonDeserializer.deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext)
which takes in initialized value instance, to be
configured and/or populated by deserializer.
Method is not necessarily used (or supported) by all types
(it will not work for immutable types, for obvious reasons):
most commonly it is used for Collections and Maps.
It may be used both with "updating readers" (for POJOs) and
when Collections and Maps use "getter as setter".
Default implementation just throws
, to indicate that types
that do not explicitly add support do not necessarily support
update-existing-value operation (esp. immutable types)
in class JsonDeserializer<Object>
public Object deserializeFromObject(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException
in class BeanDeserializerBase
protected Object _deserializeNonVanilla(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException
protected final Object _deserializeUsingPropertyBased(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException
in class BeanDeserializerBase
protected Object _deserializeFromNonArray(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException
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