
Class DefaultAccessorNamingStrategy.FirstCharBasedValidator

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.DefaultAccessorNamingStrategy.FirstCharBasedValidator
    • Constructor Detail

      • FirstCharBasedValidator

        protected FirstCharBasedValidator(boolean allowLowerCaseFirstChar,
                                          boolean allowNonLetterFirstChar)
    • Method Detail

      • forFirstNameRule

        public static DefaultAccessorNamingStrategy.BaseNameValidator forFirstNameRule(boolean allowLowerCaseFirstChar,
                                                                                       boolean allowNonLetterFirstChar)
        Factory method to use for getting an instance with specified first-character restrictions, if any; or null if no checking is needed.
        allowLowerCaseFirstChar - Whether base names that start with lower-case letter (like "a" or "b") are accepted as valid or not: consider difference between "setter-methods" setValue() and setvalue().
        allowNonLetterFirstChar - Whether base names that start with non-letter character (like "_" or number 1) are accepted as valid or not: consider difference between "setter-methods" setValue() and set_value().
        Validator instance to use, if any; null to indicate no additional rules applied (case when both arguments are false)

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