
Class JsonNodeFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    JsonNodeCreator, Serializable

    public class JsonNodeFactory
    extends Object
    implements Serializable, JsonNodeCreator
    Base class that specifies methods for getting access to Node instances (newly constructed, or shared, depending on type), as well as basic implementation of the methods. Designed to be sub-classed if extended functionality (additions to behavior of node types, mostly) is needed.

    One configuration option in the default implementation is that of whether DecimalNode instances must be built with exact representations of BigDecimal instances; or to use "normalized" instance. This has quite an influence since, for instance, a BigDecimal (and, therefore, a DecimalNode) constructed from input string "1.0" and another constructed with input string "1.00" will not be equal unless normalized since their scale differs (1 in the first case, 2 in the second case). Normalization, if enabled, means simply calling BigDecimal.stripTrailingZeros().

    Note that configuration of "normalization" changed in 2.15: while JsonNodeFactory still has a default setting, the intent is to deprecate and remove this, to be replaced by new JsonNodeFeature.STRIP_TRAILING_BIGDECIMAL_ZEROES setting. Default setting in 2.15 is to ENABLE normalization: this will likely change at latest in Jackson 3.0 (to leave BigDecimal values as they are). Note, too, that this factory will no longer handle this normalization (if enabled): caller (like JsonNodeDeserializer) is expected to handle it.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        protected static final int MAX_ELEMENT_INDEX_FOR_INSERT
        Constant that defines maximum JsonPointer element index we use for inserts.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • instance

        public static final JsonNodeFactory instance
        Default singleton instance that construct "standard" node instances: given that this class is stateless, a globally shared singleton can be used.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JsonNodeFactory

        public JsonNodeFactory(boolean bigDecimalExact)
        bigDecimalExact - see Class description on "BigDecimal normalization"
        See Also:
      • JsonNodeFactory

        protected JsonNodeFactory()
        Default constructor.

        This calls JsonNodeFactory(boolean) with false as an argument.

    • Method Detail

      • getMaxElementIndexForInsert

        public int getMaxElementIndexForInsert()
      • willStripTrailingBigDecimalZeroes

        public boolean willStripTrailingBigDecimalZeroes()
        Accessor needed by JsonNodeDeserializer.
      • booleanNode

        public BooleanNode booleanNode(boolean v)
        Factory method for getting an instance of JSON boolean value (either literal 'true' or 'false')
        Specified by:
        booleanNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • nullNode

        public NullNode nullNode()
        Factory method for getting an instance of JSON null node (which represents literal null value)
        Specified by:
        nullNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • missingNode

        public JsonNode missingNode()
      • numberNode

        public NumericNode numberNode(byte v)
        Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value that expresses given 8-bit value
        Specified by:
        numberNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • numberNode

        public NumericNode numberNode(short v)
        Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value that expresses given 16-bit integer value
        Specified by:
        numberNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • numberNode

        public NumericNode numberNode(int v)
        Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value that expresses given 32-bit integer value
        Specified by:
        numberNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • numberNode

        public NumericNode numberNode(long v)
        Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value that expresses given 64-bit integer value
        Specified by:
        numberNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • numberNode

        public ValueNode numberNode(BigInteger v)
        Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value that expresses given unlimited range integer value
        Specified by:
        numberNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • numberNode

        public NumericNode numberNode(float v)
        Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value that expresses given 32-bit floating point value
        Specified by:
        numberNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • numberNode

        public NumericNode numberNode(double v)
        Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value that expresses given 64-bit floating point value
        Specified by:
        numberNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • numberNode

        public ValueNode numberNode(BigDecimal v)
        Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value that expresses given unlimited precision floating point value

        Note that regardless whether the factory has been built to normalize decimal values (see class JavaDoc), the BigDecimal argument will NOT be modified by this method -- caller will need to handle normalization, if any.

        Specified by:
        numberNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
        See Also:
      • binaryNode

        public BinaryNode binaryNode(byte[] data)
        Factory method for constructing a node that represents given binary data, and will get serialized as equivalent base64-encoded String value
        Specified by:
        binaryNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • binaryNode

        public BinaryNode binaryNode(byte[] data,
                                     int offset,
                                     int length)
        Factory method for constructing a node that represents given binary data, and will get serialized as equivalent base64-encoded String value
        Specified by:
        binaryNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • arrayNode

        public ArrayNode arrayNode(int capacity)
        Factory method for constructing a JSON Array node with an initial capacity
        Specified by:
        arrayNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • pojoNode

        public ValueNode pojoNode(Object pojo)
        Factory method for constructing a wrapper for POJO ("Plain Old Java Object") objects; these will get serialized using data binding, usually as JSON Objects, but in some cases as JSON Strings or other node types.
        Specified by:
        pojoNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • rawValueNode

        public ValueNode rawValueNode(RawValue value)
        Description copied from interface: JsonNodeCreator
        Factory method to use for adding "raw values"; pre-encoded values that are included exactly as-is when node is serialized. This may be used, for example, to include fully serialized JSON sub-trees. Note that the concept may not work with all backends, and since no translation of any kinds is done it will not work when converting between data formats.
        Specified by:
        rawValueNode in interface JsonNodeCreator
      • _inIntRange

        protected boolean _inIntRange(long l)

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