
Class DeserializationProblemHandler

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.DeserializationProblemHandler

  • public abstract class DeserializationProblemHandler
    extends Object
    This is the class that can be registered (via DeserializationConfig object owner by ObjectMapper) to get called when a potentially recoverable problem is encountered during deserialization process. Handlers can try to resolve the problem, throw an exception or just skip the content.

    Default implementations for all methods implemented minimal "do nothing" functionality, which is roughly equivalent to not having a registered listener at all. This allows for only implemented handler methods one is interested in, without handling other cases.

    NOTE: it is typically NOT acceptable to simply do nothing, because this will result in unprocessed tokens being left in token stream (read via JsonParser, in case a structured (JSON Object or JSON Array) value is being pointed to by parser.

    • Field Detail


        public static final Object NOT_HANDLED
        Marker value returned by some handler methods to indicate that they could not handle problem and produce replacement value.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeserializationProblemHandler

        public DeserializationProblemHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • handleUnknownProperty

        public boolean handleUnknownProperty(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                                             JsonParser p,
                                             JsonDeserializer<?> deserializer,
                                             Object beanOrClass,
                                             String propertyName)
                                      throws IOException
        Method called when a JSON Object property with an unrecognized name is encountered. Content (supposedly) matching the property are accessible via parser that can be obtained from passed deserialization context. Handler can also choose to skip the content; if so, it MUST return true to indicate it did handle property successfully. Skipping is usually done like so:

        Note: DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES) takes effect only after handler is called, and only if handler did not handle the problem.

        beanOrClass - Either bean instance being deserialized (if one has been instantiated so far); or Class that indicates type that will be instantiated (if no instantiation done yet: for example when bean uses non-default constructors)
        p - Parser to use for handling problematic content
        True if the problem is resolved (and content available used or skipped); false if the handler did not anything and the problem is unresolved. Note that in latter case caller will either throw an exception or explicitly skip the content, depending on configuration.
      • handleWeirdKey

        public Object handleWeirdKey(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                                     Class<?> rawKeyType,
                                     String keyValue,
                                     String failureMsg)
                              throws IOException
        Method called when a property name from input cannot be converted to a non-Java-String key type (passed as rawKeyType) due to format problem. Handler may choose to do one of 3 things:
        • Indicate it does not know what to do by returning NOT_HANDLED
        • Throw a IOException to indicate specific fail message (instead of standard exception caller would throw
        • Return actual key value to use as replacement, and continue processing.
        failureMsg - Message that will be used by caller (by calling DeserializationContext.weirdKeyException(Class, String, String)) to indicate type of failure unless handler produces key to use
        Either NOT_HANDLED to indicate that handler does not know what to do (and exception may be thrown), or value to use as key (possibly null
      • handleWeirdStringValue

        public Object handleWeirdStringValue(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                                             Class<?> targetType,
                                             String valueToConvert,
                                             String failureMsg)
                                      throws IOException
        Method called when a String value cannot be converted to a non-String value type due to specific problem (as opposed to String values never being usable). Handler may choose to do one of 3 things:
        • Indicate it does not know what to do by returning NOT_HANDLED
        • Throw a IOException to indicate specific fail message (instead of standard exception caller would throw
        • Return actual converted value (of type targetType) to use as replacement, and continue processing.
        failureMsg - Message that will be used by caller (by calling DeserializationContext.weirdNumberException(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Class<?>, java.lang.String)) to indicate type of failure unless handler produces key to use
        Either NOT_HANDLED to indicate that handler does not know what to do (and exception may be thrown), or value to use as (possibly null)
      • handleWeirdNumberValue

        public Object handleWeirdNumberValue(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                                             Class<?> targetType,
                                             Number valueToConvert,
                                             String failureMsg)
                                      throws IOException
        Method called when a numeric value (integral or floating-point from input cannot be converted to a non-numeric value type due to specific problem (as opposed to numeric values never being usable). Handler may choose to do one of 3 things:
        • Indicate it does not know what to do by returning NOT_HANDLED
        • Throw a IOException to indicate specific fail message (instead of standard exception caller would throw
        • Return actual converted value (of type targetType) to use as replacement, and continue processing.
        failureMsg - Message that will be used by caller (by calling DeserializationContext.weirdNumberException(java.lang.Number, java.lang.Class<?>, java.lang.String)) to indicate type of failure unless handler produces key to use
        Either NOT_HANDLED to indicate that handler does not know what to do (and exception may be thrown), or value to use as (possibly null)
      • handleWeirdNativeValue

        public Object handleWeirdNativeValue(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                                             JavaType targetType,
                                             Object valueToConvert,
                                             JsonParser p)
                                      throws IOException
        Method called when an embedded (native) value (JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT) cannot be converted directly into expected value type (usually POJO). Handler may choose to do one of 3 things:
        • Indicate it does not know what to do by returning NOT_HANDLED
        • Throw a IOException to indicate specific fail message (instead of standard exception caller would throw
        • Return actual converted value (of type targetType) to use as replacement, and continue processing.
        Either NOT_HANDLED to indicate that handler does not know what to do (and exception may be thrown), or value to use (possibly null)
      • handleUnexpectedToken

        public Object handleUnexpectedToken(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                                            JavaType targetType,
                                            JsonToken t,
                                            JsonParser p,
                                            String failureMsg)
                                     throws IOException
        Method that deserializers should call if the first token of the value to deserialize is of unexpected type (that is, type of token that deserializer cannot handle). This could occur, for example, if a Number deserializer encounter JsonToken.START_ARRAY instead of JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT or JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT.
        • Indicate it does not know what to do by returning NOT_HANDLED
        • Throw a IOException to indicate specific fail message (instead of standard exception caller would throw
        • Handle content to match (by consuming or skipping it), and return actual instantiated value (of type targetType) to use as replacement; value may be `null` as well as expected target type.
        failureMsg - Message that will be used by caller to indicate type of failure unless handler produces value to use
        Either NOT_HANDLED to indicate that handler does not know what to do (and exception may be thrown), or value to use (possibly null
      • handleInstantiationProblem

        public Object handleInstantiationProblem(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                                                 Class<?> instClass,
                                                 Object argument,
                                                 Throwable t)
                                          throws IOException
        Method called when instance creation for a type fails due to an exception. Handler may choose to do one of following things:
        • Indicate it does not know what to do by returning NOT_HANDLED
        • Throw a IOException to indicate specific fail message (instead of standard exception caller would throw
        • Return actual instantiated value (of type targetType) to use as replacement, and continue processing.
        • Return null to use null as value but not to try further processing (in cases where properties would otherwise be bound)
        instClass - Type that was to be instantiated
        argument - (optional) Additional argument that was passed to creator, if any
        t - Exception that caused instantiation failure
        Either NOT_HANDLED to indicate that handler does not know what to do (and exception may be thrown), or value to use (possibly null
      • handleMissingInstantiator

        public Object handleMissingInstantiator(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                                                Class<?> instClass,
                                                ValueInstantiator valueInsta,
                                                JsonParser p,
                                                String msg)
                                         throws IOException
        Method called when instance creation for a type fails due to lack of an instantiator. Method is called before actual deserialization from input is attempted, so handler may do one of following things:
        • Indicate it does not know what to do by returning NOT_HANDLED
        • Throw a IOException to indicate specific fail message (instead of standard exception caller would throw
        • Handle content to match (by consuming or skipping it), and return actual instantiated value (of type targetType) to use as replacement; value may be `null` as well as expected target type.
        instClass - Type that was to be instantiated
        p - Parser to use for accessing content that needs handling, to either use it or skip it (latter with JsonParser.skipChildren().
        Either NOT_HANDLED to indicate that handler does not know what to do (and exception may be thrown), or value to use (possibly null
      • handleUnknownTypeId

        public JavaType handleUnknownTypeId(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                                            JavaType baseType,
                                            String subTypeId,
                                            TypeIdResolver idResolver,
                                            String failureMsg)
                                     throws IOException
        Handler method called if resolution of type id from given String failed to produce a subtype; usually because logical id is not mapped to actual implementation class. Handler may choose to do one of following things:
        • Indicate it does not know what to do by returning `null`
        • Indicate that nothing should be deserialized, by return `Void.class`
        • Throw a IOException to indicate specific fail message (instead of standard exception caller would throw
        • Return actual resolved type to use for type id.
        ctxt - Deserialization context to use for accessing information or constructing exception to throw
        baseType - Base type to use for resolving subtype id
        subTypeId - Subtype id that failed to resolve
        failureMsg - Informational message that would be thrown as part of exception, if resolution still fails
        Actual type to use, if resolved; `null` if handler does not know what to do; or `Void.class` to indicate that nothing should be deserialized for type with the id (which caller may choose to do... or not)
      • handleMissingTypeId

        public JavaType handleMissingTypeId(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                                            JavaType baseType,
                                            TypeIdResolver idResolver,
                                            String failureMsg)
                                     throws IOException
        Handler method called if an expected type id for a polymorphic value is not found and no "default type" is specified or allowed. Handler may choose to do one of following things:
        • Indicate it does not know what to do by returning `null`
        • Indicate that nothing should be deserialized, by return `Void.class`
        • Throw a IOException to indicate specific fail message (instead of standard exception caller would throw
        • Return actual resolved type to use for this particular case.
        ctxt - Deserialization context to use for accessing information or constructing exception to throw
        baseType - Base type to use for resolving subtype id
        failureMsg - Informational message that would be thrown as part of exception, if resolution still fails
        Actual type to use, if resolved; `null` if handler does not know what to do; or `Void.class` to indicate that nothing should be deserialized for type with the id (which caller may choose to do... or not)

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