Schnittstelle IPASSProcessModelElement

Alle Superschnittstellen:
IValueChangedObserver<IPASSProcessModelElement>, IValueChangedPublisher<IPASSProcessModelElement>
Alle bekannten Unterschnittstellen:
IAction, IActorPlaceHolder, IALPSModelElement, IALPSSBDComponent, IALPSSIDComponent, IBehaviorDescribingComponent, ICapsuleCallback, IChoiceSegment, IChoiceSegmentPath, ICommunicationAct, ICommunicationChannel, ICommunicationRestriction, ICommunicationTransition, ICustomOrExternalDataTypeDefinition, IDataDescribingComponent, IDataMappingFunction, IDataMappingIncomingToLocal, IDataMappingLocalToOutgoing, IDataObjectDefinition, IDataObjectListDefinition, IDataTypeDefinition, IDoFunction, IDoState, IDoTransition, IDoTransitionCondition, IExtensionBehavior, IFlowRestrictor, IFullySpecifiedSubject, IFunctionSpecification, IGenericReturnToOriginReference, IGroupState, IGuardBehavior, IGuardExtension, IGuardReceiveState, IInitialStateOfChoiceSegmentPath, IInputPoolConstraint, IInputPoolConstraintHandlingStrategy, IInteractionDescribingComponent, IInterfaceSubject, IJSONDataTypeDefinition, ILayeredPassProcessModel, IMacroBehavior, IMacroExtension, IMacroState, IMessageExchange, IMessageExchangeCondition, IMessageExchangeList, IMessageSenderTypeConstraint, IMessageSpecification, IMessageTypeConstraint, IModelBuiltInDataTypes, IModelLayer, IMultiSubject, IOWLDataTypeDefinition, IParseablePASSProcessModelElement, IPASSProcessModel, IPayloadDataObjectDefinition, IPayloadDescription, IPayloadPhysicalObjectDescription, IReceiveFunction, IReceiveState, IReceiveTransition, IReceiveTransitionCondition, IReceiveType, ISenderTypeConstraint, ISendFunction, ISendingFailedCondition, ISendingFailedTransition, ISendState, ISendTransition, ISendTransitionCondition, ISendType, ISimple2DVisualizationPathPoint, ISimple2DVisualizationPoint, ISingleSubject, IStandaloneMacroSubject, IStandardPASSState, IState, IStatePlaceholder, IStateReference, ISubject, ISubjectBaseBehavior, ISubjectBehavior, ISubjectDataDefinition, ISubjectExecutionMapping, ISubjectExtension, ISystemInterfaceSubject, ITimeTransition, ITimeTransitionCondition, ITransition, ITransitionCondition, IUserCancelTransition, IXSDDataTypeDefinition
Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:
Action, ActorPlaceHolder, ALPSModelElement, ALPSSBDComponent, ALPSSIDComponent, BehaviorDescribingComponent, ChoiceSegment, ChoiceSegmentPath, CommunicationAct, CommunicationChannel, CommunicationRestriction, CommunicationTransition, CustomOrExternalDataTypeDefinition, DataDescribingComponent, DataMappingFunction, DataMappingIncomingToLocal, DataMappingLocalToOutgoing, DataObjectDefinition, DataObjectListDefinition, DataTypeDefinition, DoFunction, DoState, DoTransition, DoTransitionCondition, ExtensionBehavior, FlowRestrictor, FullySpecifiedSubject, FunctionSpecification, GenericReturnToOriginReference, GroupState, GuardBehavior, GuardExtension, GuardReceiveState, InitialStateOfChoiceSegmentPath, InputPoolConstraint, InputPoolConstraintHandlingStrategy, InteractionDescribingComponent, InterfaceSubject, JSONDataTypeDefinition, LayeredPassProcessModel, MacroBehavior, MacroExtension, MacroState, MessageExchange, MessageExchangeCondition, MessageExchangeList, MessageSenderTypeConstraint, MessageSpecification, MessageTypeConstraint, ModelBuiltInDataTypes, ModelLayer, MultiSubject, OWLDataTypeDefinition, ParsedStateReferenceStub, PASSProcessModel, PASSProcessModelElement, PayloadDataObjectDefinition, PayloadDescription, PayloadPhysicalObjectDescription, ReceiveFunction, ReceiveState, ReceiveTransition, ReceiveTransitionCondition, ReceiveType, SenderTypeConstraint, SendFunction, SendingFailedCondition, SendingFailedTransition, SendState, SendTransition, SendTransitionCondition, SendType, Simple2DVisualizationPathPoint, Simple2DVisualizationPoint, SingleSubject, StandaloneMacroSubject, StandardPASSState, State, StatePlaceholder, Subject, SubjectBaseBehavior, SubjectBehavior, SubjectDataDefinition, SubjectExecutionMapping, SubjectExtension, SubjectGroup, SystemInterfaceSubject, TimeTransition, TimeTransitionCondition, Transition, TransitionCondition, UserCancelTransition, XSDDataTypeDefinition

This class specifies the most general interface for elements contained inside a PASS model From PASS Doc All sub-class/instances of subclasses of a PASS-ProcessModelElement can be considered elements of PASS Process Models. Every element/sub-class of SimplePASSElement is also a child of PASSProcessModelElement. This is simply a surrogate class to group all simple elements together and differ them from StandardPASS
  • Methodendetails

    • getUriModelComponentID

      String getUriModelComponentID()
      In some cases the full model component id (with uri) is needed. If no graph exists, the baseUri is just a tag added in front acting as placeholder for the real uri.
      Gibt zurück:
      the id with the uri in front
    • getModelComponentID

      String getModelComponentID()
      Returns the unique id the identifies the current element
      Gibt zurück:
    • removeFromEverything

      void removeFromEverything(int removeCascadeDepth)
      Attempts to remove the elment from every part that contains this element (model, layer, behavior...)
      removeCascadeDepth - Parses the depth of a cascading delete for elements that are connected to the currently deleted one
    • removeFromEverything

      void removeFromEverything()
      Attempts to remove the elment from every part that contains this element (model, layer, behavior...)
    • setModelComponentID

      void setModelComponentID(String id)
      Sets the unique id for the current model. Sets the id to the exact passed value. The user must assure that the id is unique inside the current model, otherwise exceptions might be thrown while using the model. To safely create a component with a unique id, use createUniqueModelComponentID(String, boolean)
      id - the id that will be set as modelComponentID
    • createUniqueModelComponentID

      String createUniqueModelComponentID(String labelForID, boolean addLabel)
      Creates a unique id for the element using a specified label. For this, a Guid is used. The specified label is only used to provide simpler reading. Leaving the label blank or not passing anything causes the element to use guid-only as id.
      labelForID - the label that is used together with a guid to generate a valid and unique identifier for the element
      addLabel - If set to true, a modelComponentLabel is also added for the given label. If false, only the id will be created.
      Gibt zurück:
      the created id for the current element
    • createUniqueModelComponentID

      String createUniqueModelComponentID(String labelForID)
      Creates a unique id for the element using a specified label. For this, a Guid is used. The specified label is only used to provide simpler reading. Leaving the label blank or not passing anything causes the element to use guid-only as id.
      labelForID - the label that is used together with a guid to generate a valid and unique identifier for the element If false, only the id will be created.
      Gibt zurück:
      the created id for the current element
    • createUniqueModelComponentID

      String createUniqueModelComponentID()
      Creates a unique id for the element using a specified label. For this, a Guid is used. The specified label is only used to provide simpler reading. Leaving the label blank or not passing anything causes the element to use guid-only as id. the default value of addLabel will be set to true
      Gibt zurück:
      the created id for the current element
    • setModelComponentLabels

      void setModelComponentLabels(List<String> modelComponentLabel)
      Method that sets the model component label list, overriding the previous content
      modelComponentLabel - the model component label list
    • addModelComponentLabel

      void addModelComponentLabel(String modelComponentLabel)
      Method that sets the model component label attribute
      modelComponentLabel - the model component label
    • getModelComponentLabelsAsStrings

      List<String> getModelComponentLabelsAsStrings(boolean addLanguageAttribute)
      Method that returns the model component labels as strings. Additional language info can be added to each string by setting addLanguageAttribute true
      addLanguageAttribute - If set to true, information about the language the label is written in is included in the each label
      Gibt zurück:
      The model component label list
    • getModelComponentLabelsAsStrings

      List<String> getModelComponentLabelsAsStrings()
      Method that returns the model component labels as strings. Additional language info can be added to each string by setting addLanguageAttribute true the default value of the param addLanguageAttributeis false
      Gibt zurück:
      The model component label list
    • getModelComponentLabels

      List<IStringWithExtra> getModelComponentLabels()
      Method that returns the model component labels as objects with additional language info
      Gibt zurück:
    • clearModelComponentLabels

      void clearModelComponentLabels()
      Clears the list of model component labels
    • removeModelComponentLabel

      void removeModelComponentLabel(String label)
      Removes a label that has the specified string as content
      label -
    • addComment

      void addComment(String comment)
      Method that adds a comment attribute
      comment - the comment
    • getComments

      List<String> getComments()
      Method that returns the comment attribute
      Gibt zurück:
      The comment attribute
    • clearComments

      void clearComments()
      Clears the list of comments
    • addElementWithUnspecifiedRelation

      void addElementWithUnspecifiedRelation(IPASSProcessModelElement element)
      Adds an element that is in some undefined relation to the current element. This method is only for adding additional elements/information to another element that cannot be added in another way (using specified methods etc.)
      element - the new element
    • getElementsWithUnspecifiedRelation

      Map<String,IPASSProcessModelElement> getElementsWithUnspecifiedRelation()
      Gibt zurück:
      A set of elements that are in some undefined relation to the current element
    • setElementsWithUnspecifiedRelation

      void setElementsWithUnspecifiedRelation(Set<IPASSProcessModelElement> elements)
      Overrides the elements that are in some undefined relation to the current element. This method is only for adding additional elements/information to another element that cannot be added in another way (using specified methods etc.)
      elements - the new elements
    • removeElementWithUnspecifiedRelation

      void removeElementWithUnspecifiedRelation(String id)
      Removes an elements that is in some undefined relation to the current element.
      id - the id of the element