Alle Superschnittstellen:
IAbstractElement, IContainableElement<IModelLayer>, IExtendingElement<ISubject>, IHasSimple2DVisualizationBox, IImplementingElement, IImplementingElementT<ISubject>, IInteractionDescribingComponent, IPASSProcessModelElement, IValueChangedObserver<IPASSProcessModelElement>, IValueChangedPublisher<IPASSProcessModelElement>
Alle bekannten Unterschnittstellen:
IFullySpecifiedSubject, IGuardExtension, IInterfaceSubject, IMacroExtension, IMultiSubject, ISingleSubject, IStandaloneMacroSubject, ISubjectExtension, ISystemInterfaceSubject
Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:
FullySpecifiedSubject, GuardExtension, InterfaceSubject, MacroExtension, MultiSubject, SingleSubject, StandaloneMacroSubject, Subject, SubjectExtension, SubjectGroup, SystemInterfaceSubject

Interface to the subject class
  • Methodendetails

    • addIncomingMessageExchange

      void addIncomingMessageExchange(IMessageExchange exchange)
      Adds a MessageExchange to the list of incoming message exchanges
      exchange - The new incoming exchange
    • addOutgoingMessageExchange

      void addOutgoingMessageExchange(IMessageExchange exchange)
      Adds a MessageExchange to the list of outgoing message exchanges
      exchange - The new outgoing exchange
    • getIncomingMessageExchanges

      Map<String,IMessageExchange> getIncomingMessageExchanges()
      Provides all incoming MessageExchanges mapped with their model component ids
      Gibt zurück:
      A map of incoming message exchanges
    • getOutgoingMessageExchanges

      Map<String,IMessageExchange> getOutgoingMessageExchanges()
      Provides all outgoing MessageExchanges mapped with their model component ids
      Gibt zurück:
      A dictionary of outgoing message exchanges
    • setIncomingMessageExchanges

      void setIncomingMessageExchanges(Set<IMessageExchange> exchanges, int removeCascadeDepth)
      Overrides the set of incoming exchanges
      exchanges -
      removeCascadeDepth - Parses the depth of a cascading delete for elements that are connected to the currently deleted one
    • setIncomingMessageExchanges

      void setIncomingMessageExchanges(Set<IMessageExchange> exchanges)
      Overrides the set of incoming exchanges
      exchanges -
    • setOutgoingMessageExchanges

      void setOutgoingMessageExchanges(Set<IMessageExchange> exchanges, int removeCascadeDepth)
      Overrides the set of outgoing exchanges
      exchanges - the set of new outgoing exchange
      removeCascadeDepth - Parses the depth of a cascading delete for elements that are connected to the currently deleted one
    • setOutgoingMessageExchanges

      void setOutgoingMessageExchanges(Set<IMessageExchange> exchanges)
      Overrides the set of outgoing exchanges
      exchanges - the set of new outgoing exchange
    • removeIncomingMessageExchange

      void removeIncomingMessageExchange(String id, int removeCascadeDepth)
      Removes an incoming exchange
      id - the id of the exchange
      removeCascadeDepth - Parses the depth of a cascading delete for elements that are connected to the currently deleted one
    • removeIncomingMessageExchange

      void removeIncomingMessageExchange(String id)
      Removes an incoming exchange
      id - the id of the exchange
    • removeOutgoingMessageExchange

      void removeOutgoingMessageExchange(String id, int removeCascadeDepth)
      Removes an outgoing exchange
      id - the id of the exchange
      removeCascadeDepth - Parses the depth of a cascading delete for elements that are connected to the currently deleted one
    • removeOutgoingMessageExchange

      void removeOutgoingMessageExchange(String id)
      Removes an outgoing exchange
      id - the id of the exchange
    • getInstanceRestriction

      int getInstanceRestriction()
      Getter for the instance restriction, defines how often the subject might be instanciated
      Gibt zurück:
      the instance restriction
    • setInstanceRestriction

      void setInstanceRestriction(int restriction)
      Setter for the instance restriction, defines how often the subject might be instanciated
      restriction - the instance restriction
    • assignRole

      void assignRole(ISubject.Role role)
      Assigns a role to the current subject
      role - the role that will be assigned
    • isRole

      boolean isRole(ISubject.Role role)
      Checks whether the specified role was assigned to this subject
      role - the role that is checked
      Gibt zurück:
      true if the subject is assigned to the role, false if not
    • removeRole

      void removeRole(ISubject.Role role)
      Unassignes the specified role from the subject
      role - >the role to be removed