Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
ICapsuleCallback, IGraphCallback, IParseablePASSProcessModelElement, IImplementingElement, IImplementingElementT<IState>, IPASSProcessModelElement, IState, IMacroState, IStateReference, IBehaviorDescribingComponent, IContainableElement<ISubjectBehavior>, IHasSimple2DVisualizationBox, IValueChangedObserver<IPASSProcessModelElement>, IValueChangedPublisher<IPASSProcessModelElement>

public class ParsedStateReferenceStub extends State implements IStateReference
Class that represents a StateReference Because a StateReference acts the same as the class of the state it references, it s not possible to use the StateReference as standalone C#-class. Example: SendTransition from a StateReference would not work, because the Transition needs a SendState as Origin. One solution would be creating a new class for each possible State, implementing the IStateReference interface end extending the state -> many new classes. The current approach is to move the functionality into the State class. Every state the extends the standard State class can reference other states, to use the functionality the state must be casted to IStateReference. This class is only for parsing reasons (loads references and converts them to states) and should not be used to model!