KlasseBeschreibungInterface to the InputPoolConstraint classInterface to the InputPoolConstraintHandlingStrategyClassInterface to the message exchange class Interface to the message exchange class Note that message exchanges are just a combination of a receiver, a sender, and a message (spec) In a visual modeling approach often message exchanges are grouped individually You can find these in MessageExchangeList-Objects.Interface to the message exchange list classInterface for the MessageSpecification classClass that represents an InputPoolConstraintClass that represents an InputConstraintHandlingStrategyInterface to the subject classRepresents roles that can be assigned to a subjectA separte object containing a (most likely) String representation of some formal description of how this subject is mapped to the users of an execution envoironment (whos is allowed to be responsible) Theoretically there is a difference between static mapping (e.g. a subject mapped to a user group) and dynamic mapping where the mapping is determined during runtim to e.g., find the current boss for one user for non of these things formal definitions exist yet.To represent the different types of mappingClass that represents a message exchangeClass that represents an message exchange listenum which describes what type an Message Exchange hasClass that contains a certain message specificationMessage types for Value Stream Mapping Analysis Values should be: Standard;Conveyance Time (internal);Conveyance Time (external);Information Flow (internal);Information Flow (external);Class that represents a subject