Schnittstelle IParseablePASSProcessModelElement

Alle Superschnittstellen:
IGraphCallback, IPASSProcessModelElement, IValueChangedObserver<IPASSProcessModelElement>, IValueChangedPublisher<IPASSProcessModelElement>
Alle bekannten Unterschnittstellen:
Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:
Action, ActorPlaceHolder, ALPSModelElement, ALPSSBDComponent, ALPSSIDComponent, BehaviorDescribingComponent, ChoiceSegment, ChoiceSegmentPath, CommunicationAct, CommunicationChannel, CommunicationRestriction, CommunicationTransition, CustomOrExternalDataTypeDefinition, DataDescribingComponent, DataMappingFunction, DataMappingIncomingToLocal, DataMappingLocalToOutgoing, DataObjectDefinition, DataObjectListDefinition, DataTypeDefinition, DoFunction, DoState, DoTransition, DoTransitionCondition, ExtensionBehavior, FlowRestrictor, FullySpecifiedSubject, FunctionSpecification, GenericReturnToOriginReference, GroupState, GuardBehavior, GuardExtension, GuardReceiveState, InitialStateOfChoiceSegmentPath, InputPoolConstraint, InputPoolConstraintHandlingStrategy, InteractionDescribingComponent, InterfaceSubject, JSONDataTypeDefinition, LayeredPassProcessModel, MacroBehavior, MacroExtension, MacroState, MessageExchange, MessageExchangeCondition, MessageExchangeList, MessageSenderTypeConstraint, MessageSpecification, MessageTypeConstraint, ModelBuiltInDataTypes, ModelLayer, MultiSubject, OWLDataTypeDefinition, ParsedStateReferenceStub, PASSProcessModel, PASSProcessModelElement, PayloadDataObjectDefinition, PayloadDescription, PayloadPhysicalObjectDescription, ReceiveFunction, ReceiveState, ReceiveTransition, ReceiveTransitionCondition, ReceiveType, SenderTypeConstraint, SendFunction, SendingFailedCondition, SendingFailedTransition, SendState, SendTransition, SendTransitionCondition, SendType, Simple2DVisualizationPathPoint, Simple2DVisualizationPoint, SingleSubject, StandaloneMacroSubject, StandardPASSState, State, StatePlaceholder, Subject, SubjectBaseBehavior, SubjectBehavior, SubjectDataDefinition, SubjectExecutionMapping, SubjectExtension, SubjectGroup, SystemInterfaceSubject, TimeTransition, TimeTransitionCondition, Transition, TransitionCondition, UserCancelTransition, XSDDataTypeDefinition

public interface IParseablePASSProcessModelElement extends IPASSProcessModelElement, IGraphCallback
Interface that extends the standard PASSProcessModelElement interface for parsing methods
  • Methodendetails

    • canParse

      int canParse(String className)
      This method verifies whether a class can parse an ontology class, given by the string name of the ontology class. Example: The class PASSProcessModel should not return CANNOT_PARSE for the string "PASSProcessModel". A high return value indicates that this class can parse the ontology class better than another class with a lower return value. Every value != CANNOT PARSE indicates that the class can parse the ontology class.
      className -
      Gibt zurück:
    • completeObject

      void completeObject(Map<String,IParseablePASSProcessModelElement> allElements)
      Completes the element by replacing temporary string ids with real objects
      allElements - a dict of all pass elements
    • setExportGraph

      void setExportGraph(IPASSGraph graph)
    • getClassName

      String getClassName()
      Returns the name of the current class. Used for parsing, must match the name of the class in the ontology
      Gibt zurück:
      The name of the current class
    • getBaseURI

      String getBaseURI()
    • addTriple

      void addTriple(IIncompleteTriple triple)
    • addIncompleteTriples

      void addIncompleteTriples(List<IIncompleteTriple> triples)
      Adds a list ofIncomplete Triple to the element that will either be parsed right away, or delayed (depending on whether there is a graph available or not)
      triples - the triple that is being saved
    • addTriples

      void addTriples(List<org.apache.jena.graph.Triple> triples)
      Adds a list of complete triples to the element. If the element contains an Incomplete Triple containing the same information as a complete triple, the incomplete will be deleted. The content of the triple will be parsed if possible.
      triples - the triple that is being saved
    • addTriple

      void addTriple(org.apache.jena.graph.Triple triple)
      Adds a complete triple to the element. If the element contains an Incomplete Triple containing the same information, it will be deleted. The content of the triple will be parsed if possible.
      triple -
    • getTriples

      List<org.apache.jena.graph.Triple> getTriples()
      Returns all the triples currently contained by the class. They describe connection to other elements etc
      Gibt zurück:
    • getIncompleteTriples

      List<IIncompleteTriple> getIncompleteTriples()
      Returns all the triples currently contained by the class as incomplete triples (not containing the subject). They describe connection to other elements etc.
      Gibt zurück:
    • removeTriple

      boolean removeTriple(IIncompleteTriple incTriple)
      Removes a triple from either the complete or incomplete triples.
      incTriple - An incomplete triple coding the value that should be deleted. The deleted object must not be incomplete, but can as well be a complete triple
      Gibt zurück:
    • containsTriple

      boolean containsTriple(IIncompleteTriple incTriple)
      Determines wheter there is a triple (complete or incomplete), holding the same data as the given incomplete triple
      incTriple - An incomplete triple coding the value that should be found. The found object must not be incomplete, but can as well be a complete triple
      Gibt zurück:
    • replaceTriple

      void replaceTriple(IIncompleteTriple oldTriple, IIncompleteTriple newTriple)
      Replaces an old triple with a new one.
      oldTriple - An incomplete triple holding the data to find the triple to be replaced
      newTriple - An incomplete triple holding the data to replace the old triple
    • getParsedInstance