
Class PropertyBindingException

    • Field Detail

      • _referringClass

        protected final Class<?> _referringClass
        Class that has the problem with mapping of a property (unrecognized, missing, etc).
      • _propertyName

        protected final String _propertyName
        Name of property that has the problem being reported.

        Note: possibly redundant information since it may also included in the reference path.

      • _propertyIds

        protected final Collection<Object> _propertyIds
        Set of ids of properties that are known for the type (see _referringClass, if ids can be statically determined.
      • _propertiesAsString

        protected transient String _propertiesAsString
        Lazily constructed description of known properties, used for constructing actual message if and as needed.
    • Method Detail

      • getReferringClass

        public Class<?> getReferringClass()
        Method for accessing type (class) that has the problematic property.
      • getPropertyName

        public String getPropertyName()
        Convenience method for accessing logical property name that could not be mapped (see _propertyName). Note that it is likely the last path reference in the underlying path (but not necessarily, depending on the type of problem).

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