
Class CoercionConfigs

    • Field Detail

      • _defaultAction

        protected CoercionAction _defaultAction
        Global default for cases not explicitly covered
      • _defaultCoercions

        protected final MutableCoercionConfig _defaultCoercions
        Default coercion definitions used if no overrides found by logical or physical type.
    • Method Detail

      • copy

        public CoercionConfigs copy()
        Method called to create a non-shared copy of configuration settings, to be used by another ObjectMapper instance.
        A non-shared copy of configuration settings
      • findCoercion

        public CoercionAction findCoercion(DeserializationConfig config,
                                           LogicalType targetType,
                                           Class<?> targetClass,
                                           CoercionInputShape inputShape)
        General-purpose accessor for finding what to do when specified coercion from shape that is now always allowed to be coerced from is requested.
        config - Currently active deserialization configuration
        targetType - Logical target type of coercion
        targetClass - Physical target type of coercion
        inputShape - Input shape to coerce from
        CoercionAction configured for specified coercion
      • findCoercionFromBlankString

        public CoercionAction findCoercionFromBlankString(DeserializationConfig config,
                                                          LogicalType targetType,
                                                          Class<?> targetClass,
                                                          CoercionAction actionIfBlankNotAllowed)
        More specialized accessor called in case of input being a blank String (one consisting of only white space characters with length of at least one). Will basically first determine if "blank as empty" is allowed: if not, returns actionIfBlankNotAllowed, otherwise returns action for CoercionInputShape.EmptyString.
        config - Currently active deserialization configuration
        targetType - Logical target type of coercion
        targetClass - Physical target type of coercion
        actionIfBlankNotAllowed - Return value to use in case "blanks as empty" is not allowed
        CoercionAction configured for specified coercion from blank string
      • _isScalarType

        protected boolean _isScalarType(LogicalType targetType)

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