public class SequenceWriter extends Object implements Versioned, Closeable, Flushable
, except that it can be used
for writing sequences of values, not just a single value.
The main use case is in writing very long sequences, or sequences where
values are incrementally produced; cases where it would be impractical
or at least inconvenient to construct a wrapper container around values
(or where no JSON array is desired around values).
Differences from ObjectWriter
are stateful, and not thread-safe:
if sharing, external synchronization must be used.
is needed after all values have been written
can auto-close after individual value writes)
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected boolean |
_cfgCloseCloseable |
protected boolean |
_cfgFlush |
protected boolean |
_closed |
protected boolean |
_closeGenerator |
protected SerializationConfig |
_config |
protected PropertySerializerMap |
_rootSerializer is not defined (no root type
was used for constructing ObjectWriter ), we will
use simple scheme for keeping track of serializers needed. |
protected JsonGenerator |
_generator |
protected boolean |
State flag for keeping track of need to write matching END_ARRAY,
if a START_ARRAY was written during initialization
protected DefaultSerializerProvider |
_provider |
protected JsonSerializer<Object> |
_rootSerializer |
protected TypeSerializer |
_typeSerializer |
Constructor and Description |
SequenceWriter(DefaultSerializerProvider prov,
JsonGenerator gen,
boolean closeGenerator,
ObjectWriter.Prefetch prefetch) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected SequenceWriter |
_writeCloseableValue(Object value) |
protected SequenceWriter |
_writeCloseableValue(Object value,
JavaType type) |
void |
close() |
void |
flush() |
SequenceWriter |
init(boolean wrapInArray)
Internal method called by
ObjectWriter : should not be called by code
outside jackson-databind classes. |
Version |
Method that will return version information stored in and read from jar
that contains this class.
SequenceWriter |
write(Object value)
Method for writing given value into output, as part of sequence
to write.
SequenceWriter |
write(Object value,
JavaType type)
Method for writing given value into output, as part of sequence
to write; further, full type (often generic, like
is passed in case a new
JsonSerializer needs to be fetched to handle type
If root type was specified for ObjectWriter ,
value must be of compatible type (same or subtype). |
<C extends Collection<?>> |
writeAll(C container) |
SequenceWriter |
writeAll(Iterable<?> iterable) |
SequenceWriter |
writeAll(Object[] value) |
protected final DefaultSerializerProvider _provider
protected final SerializationConfig _config
protected final JsonGenerator _generator
protected final JsonSerializer<Object> _rootSerializer
protected final TypeSerializer _typeSerializer
protected final boolean _closeGenerator
protected final boolean _cfgFlush
protected final boolean _cfgCloseCloseable
protected PropertySerializerMap _dynamicSerializers
is not defined (no root type
was used for constructing ObjectWriter
), we will
use simple scheme for keeping track of serializers needed.
Assumption is thatprotected boolean _openArray
protected boolean _closed
public SequenceWriter(DefaultSerializerProvider prov, JsonGenerator gen, boolean closeGenerator, ObjectWriter.Prefetch prefetch) throws IOException
public SequenceWriter init(boolean wrapInArray) throws IOException
: should not be called by code
outside jackson-databind
public Version version()
public SequenceWriter write(Object value) throws IOException
value must be of compatible type (same or subtype).IOException
public SequenceWriter write(Object value, JavaType type) throws IOException
is passed in case a new
needs to be fetched to handle type
If root type was specified for ObjectWriter
value must be of compatible type (same or subtype).IOException
public SequenceWriter writeAll(Object[] value) throws IOException
public <C extends Collection<?>> SequenceWriter writeAll(C container) throws IOException
public SequenceWriter writeAll(Iterable<?> iterable) throws IOException
public void flush() throws IOException
in interface Flushable
public void close() throws IOException
in interface Closeable
in interface AutoCloseable
protected SequenceWriter _writeCloseableValue(Object value) throws IOException
protected SequenceWriter _writeCloseableValue(Object value, JavaType type) throws IOException
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