
Class ArrayBuilders

  • public final class ArrayBuilders
    extends Object
    Helper class that contains set of distinct builders for different arrays of primitive values. It also provides trivially simple reuse scheme, which assumes that caller knows not to use instances concurrently (which works ok with primitive arrays since they can not contain other non-primitive types).
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArrayBuilders

        public ArrayBuilders()
    • Method Detail

      • arrayToSet

        public static <T> HashSet<T> arrayToSet(T[] elements)
      • arrayToList

        public static <T> ArrayList<T> arrayToList(T[] elements)
      • setAndArray

        public static <T> HashSet<T> setAndArray(Set<T> set,
                                 T[] elements)
      • addToList

        public static <T> List<T> addToList(List<T> list,
                            T element)
        Helper method for adding specified element to a List, but also considering case where the List may not have been yet constructed (that is, null is passed instead).
        list - List to add to; may be null to indicate that a new List is to be constructed
        element - Element to add to list
        List in which element was added; either list (if it was not null), or a newly constructed List.
      • insertInList

        public static <T> T[] insertInList(T[] array,
                           T element)
        Helper method for constructing a new array that contains specified element followed by contents of the given array. No checking is done to see if element being inserted is duplicate.
      • insertInListNoDup

        public static <T> T[] insertInListNoDup(T[] array,
                                T element)
        Helper method for constructing a new array that contains specified element followed by contents of the given array but never contains duplicates. If element already existed, one of two things happens: if the element was already the first one in array, array is returned as is; but if not, a new copy is created in which element has moved as the head.
      • arrayAsIterator

        public static <T> Iterator<T> arrayAsIterator(T[] array)
        Helper method for exposing contents of arrays using a read-only iterator
      • arrayAsIterable

        public static <T> Iterable<T> arrayAsIterable(T[] array)

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