
Class JacksonAnnotationIntrospector

    • Constructor Detail

      • JacksonAnnotationIntrospector

        public JacksonAnnotationIntrospector()
    • Method Detail

      • findRootName

        public PropertyName findRootName(AnnotatedClass ac)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for locating name used as "root name" (for use by some serializers when outputting root-level object -- mostly for XML compatibility purposes) for given class, if one is defined. Returns null if no declaration found; can return explicit empty String, which is usually ignored as well as null.

        NOTE: method signature changed in 2.1, to return PropertyName instead of String.

        findRootName in class AnnotationIntrospector
      • findPropertiesToIgnore

        public String[] findPropertiesToIgnore(Annotated ac)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for finding list of properties to ignore for given class (null is returned if not specified). List of property names is applied after other detection mechanisms, to filter out these specific properties from being serialized and deserialized.
        findPropertiesToIgnore in class AnnotationIntrospector
      • isIgnorableType

        public Boolean isIgnorableType(AnnotatedClass ac)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether properties that have specified type (class, not generics aware) should be completely ignored for serialization and deserialization purposes.
        isIgnorableType in class AnnotationIntrospector
        ac - Type to check
        Boolean.TRUE if properties of type should be ignored; Boolean.FALSE if they are not to be ignored, null for default handling (which is 'do not ignore')
      • findFilterId

        public Object findFilterId(AnnotatedClass ac)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for finding if annotated class has associated filter; and if so, to return id that is used to locate filter.
        findFilterId in class AnnotationIntrospector
        Id of the filter to use for filtering properties of annotated class, if any; or null if none found.
      • findAutoDetectVisibility

        public VisibilityChecker<?> findAutoDetectVisibility(AnnotatedClass ac,
                                                    VisibilityChecker<?> checker)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking if annotations indicate changes to minimum visibility levels needed for auto-detecting property elements (fields, methods, constructors). A baseline checker is given, and introspector is to either return it as is (if no annotations are found), or build and return a derived instance (using checker's build methods).
        findAutoDetectVisibility in class AnnotationIntrospector
      • findUnwrappingNameTransformer

        public NameTransformer findUnwrappingNameTransformer(AnnotatedMember member)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method called to check whether given property is marked to be "unwrapped" when being serialized (and appropriately handled in reverse direction, i.e. expect unwrapped representation during deserialization). Return value is the name transformation to use, if wrapping/unwrapping should be done, or null if not -- note that transformation may simply be identity transformation (no changes).
        findUnwrappingNameTransformer in class AnnotationIntrospector
      • hasIgnoreMarker

        public boolean hasIgnoreMarker(AnnotatedMember m)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method called to check whether given property is marked to be ignored. This is used to determine whether to ignore properties, on per-property basis, usually combining annotations from multiple accessors (getters, setters, fields, constructor parameters).
        hasIgnoreMarker in class AnnotationIntrospector
      • findInjectableValueId

        public Object findInjectableValueId(AnnotatedMember m)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method called to find out whether given member expectes a value to be injected, and if so, what is the identifier of the value to use during injection. Type if identifier needs to be compatible with provider of values (of type InjectableValues); often a simple String id is used.
        findInjectableValueId in class AnnotationIntrospector
        m - Member to check
        Identifier of value to inject, if any; null if no injection indicator is found
      • findPropertyContentTypeResolver

        public TypeResolverBuilder<?> findPropertyContentTypeResolver(MapperConfig<?> config,
                                                             AnnotatedMember am,
                                                             JavaType containerType)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking if given structured property entity (field or method that has nominal value of Map, Collection or array type) has annotations that indicate that specific type resolver is to be used for handling type information of contained values. This includes not only instantiating resolver builder, but also configuring it based on relevant annotations (not including ones checked with a call to AnnotationIntrospector.findSubtypes(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.Annotated)
        findPropertyContentTypeResolver in class AnnotationIntrospector
        config - Configuration settings in effect (for serialization or deserialization)
        am - Annotated member (field or method) to check for annotations
        containerType - Type of property for which resolver is to be found (must be a container type)
        Type resolver builder for values contained in properties of given entity, if one found; null if none
      • findSubtypes

        public List<NamedType> findSubtypes(Annotated a)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for locating annotation-specified subtypes related to annotated entity (class, method, field). Note that this is only guaranteed to be a list of directly declared subtypes, no recursive processing is guarantees (i.e. caller has to do it if/as necessary)
        findSubtypes in class AnnotationIntrospector
        a - Annotated entity (class, field/method) to check for annotations
      • findSerializationInclusion

        public JsonInclude.Include findSerializationInclusion(Annotated a,
                                                     JsonInclude.Include defValue)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given annotated entity (class, method, field) defines which Bean/Map properties are to be included in serialization. If no annotation is found, method should return given second argument; otherwise value indicated by the annotation
        findSerializationInclusion in class AnnotationIntrospector
        Enumerated value indicating which properties to include in serialization
      • findSerializationType

        public Class<?> findSerializationType(Annotated am)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for accessing annotated type definition that a method/field can have, to be used as the type for serialization instead of the runtime type. Type returned (if any) needs to be widening conversion (super-type). Declared return type of the method is also considered acceptable.
        findSerializationType in class AnnotationIntrospector
        Class to use instead of runtime type
      • findSerializationKeyType

        public Class<?> findSerializationKeyType(Annotated am,
                                        JavaType baseType)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for finding possible widening type definition that a property value can have, to define less specific key type to use for serialization. It should be only be used with Map types.
        findSerializationKeyType in class AnnotationIntrospector
        Class specifying more general type to use instead of declared type, if annotation found; null if not
      • findSerializationContentType

        public Class<?> findSerializationContentType(Annotated am,
                                            JavaType baseType)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for finding possible widening type definition that a property value can have, to define less specific key type to use for serialization. It should be only used with structured types (arrays, collections, maps).
        findSerializationContentType in class AnnotationIntrospector
        Class specifying more general type to use instead of declared type, if annotation found; null if not
      • findSerializationTyping

        public JsonSerialize.Typing findSerializationTyping(Annotated a)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for accessing declared typing mode annotated (if any). This is used for type detection, unless more granular settings (such as actual exact type; or serializer to use which means no type information is needed) take precedence.
        findSerializationTyping in class AnnotationIntrospector
        Typing mode to use, if annotation is found; null otherwise
      • findViews

        public Class<?>[] findViews(Annotated a)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking if annotated property (represented by a field or getter/setter method) has definitions for views it is to be included in. If null is returned, no view definitions exist and property is always included (or always excluded as per default view inclusion configuration); otherwise it will only be included for views included in returned array. View matches are checked using class inheritance rules (sub-classes inherit inclusions of super-classes)
        findViews in class AnnotationIntrospector
        a - Annotated property (represented by a method, field or ctor parameter)
        Array of views (represented by classes) that the property is included in; if null, always included (same as returning array containing Object.class)
      • findObjectIdInfo

        public ObjectIdInfo findObjectIdInfo(Annotated ann)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given annotated thing (type, or accessor) indicates that values referenced (values of type of annotated class, or values referenced by annotated property; latter having precedence) should include Object Identifier, and if so, specify details of Object Identity used.
        findObjectIdInfo in class AnnotationIntrospector
      • findNameForSerialization

        public PropertyName findNameForSerialization(Annotated a)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given property accessors (method, field) has an annotation that suggests property name to use for serialization. Should return null if no annotation is found; otherwise a non-null name (possibly PropertyName.USE_DEFAULT, which means "use default heuristics").
        findNameForSerialization in class AnnotationIntrospector
        a - Property accessor to check
        Name to use if found; null if not.
      • findSerializationName

        public String findSerializationName(AnnotatedField af)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given member field represent a serializable logical property; and if so, returns the name of that property. Should return null if no annotation is found (indicating it is not a serializable field); otherwise a non-null String. If non-null value is returned, it is used as the property name, except for empty String ("") which is taken to mean "use the field name as is".
        findSerializationName in class AnnotationIntrospector
      • findSerializationName

        public String findSerializationName(AnnotatedMethod am)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given method has an annotation that suggests property name associated with method that may be a "getter". Should return null if no annotation is found; otherwise a non-null String. If non-null value is returned, it is used as the property name, except for empty String ("") which is taken to mean "use standard bean name detection if applicable; method name if not".
        findSerializationName in class AnnotationIntrospector
      • hasAsValueAnnotation

        public boolean hasAsValueAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given method has an annotation that suggests that the return value of annotated method should be used as "the value" of the object instance; usually serialized as a primitive value such as String or number.
        hasAsValueAnnotation in class AnnotationIntrospector
        True if such annotation is found (and is not disabled); false if no enabled annotation is found
      • findDeserializationType

        public Class<?> findDeserializationType(Annotated am,
                                       JavaType baseType)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for accessing annotated type definition that a method can have, to be used as the type for serialization instead of the runtime type. Type must be a narrowing conversion (i.e.subtype of declared type). Declared return type of the method is also considered acceptable.
        findDeserializationType in class AnnotationIntrospector
        baseType - Assumed type before considering annotations
        Class to use for deserialization instead of declared type
      • findDeserializationKeyType

        public Class<?> findDeserializationKeyType(Annotated am,
                                          JavaType baseKeyType)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for accessing additional narrowing type definition that a method can have, to define more specific key type to use. It should be only be used with Map types.
        findDeserializationKeyType in class AnnotationIntrospector
        baseKeyType - Assumed key type before considering annotations
        Class specifying more specific type to use instead of declared type, if annotation found; null if not
      • findDeserializationContentType

        public Class<?> findDeserializationContentType(Annotated am,
                                              JavaType baseContentType)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for accessing additional narrowing type definition that a method can have, to define more specific content type to use; content refers to Map values and Collection/array elements. It should be only be used with Map, Collection and array types.
        findDeserializationContentType in class AnnotationIntrospector
        baseContentType - Assumed content (value) type before considering annotations
        Class specifying more specific type to use instead of declared type, if annotation found; null if not
      • findPOJOBuilder

        public Class<?> findPOJOBuilder(AnnotatedClass ac)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for finding Builder object to use for constructing value instance and binding data (sort of combining value instantiators that can construct, and deserializers that can bind data).

        Note that unlike accessors for some helper Objects, this method does not allow returning instances: the reason is that builders have state, and a separate instance needs to be created for each deserialization call.

        findPOJOBuilder in class AnnotationIntrospector
      • findNameForDeserialization

        public PropertyName findNameForDeserialization(Annotated a)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given property accessors (method, field) has an annotation that suggests property name to use for deserialization (reading JSON into POJOs). Should return null if no annotation is found; otherwise a non-null name (possibly PropertyName.USE_DEFAULT, which means "use default heuristics").
        findNameForDeserialization in class AnnotationIntrospector
        a - Property accessor to check
        Name to use if found; null if not.
      • findDeserializationName

        public String findDeserializationName(AnnotatedMethod am)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given method has an annotation that suggests property name associated with method that may be a "setter". Should return null if no annotation is found; otherwise a non-null String. If non-null value is returned, it is used as the property name, except for empty String ("") which is taken to mean "use standard bean name detection if applicable; method name if not".
        findDeserializationName in class AnnotationIntrospector
      • findDeserializationName

        public String findDeserializationName(AnnotatedField af)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given member field represent a deserializable logical property; and if so, returns the name of that property. Should return null if no annotation is found (indicating it is not a deserializable field); otherwise a non-null String. If non-null value is returned, it is used as the property name, except for empty String ("") which is taken to mean "use the field name as is".
        findDeserializationName in class AnnotationIntrospector
      • hasAnySetterAnnotation

        public boolean hasAnySetterAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given method has an annotation that suggests that the method is to serve as "any setter"; method to be used for setting values of any properties for which no dedicated setter method is found.
        hasAnySetterAnnotation in class AnnotationIntrospector
        True if such annotation is found (and is not disabled), false otherwise
      • hasAnyGetterAnnotation

        public boolean hasAnyGetterAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given method has an annotation that suggests that the method is to serve as "any setter"; method to be used for accessing set of miscellaneous "extra" properties, often bound with matching "any setter" method.
        hasAnyGetterAnnotation in class AnnotationIntrospector
        True if such annotation is found (and is not disabled), false otherwise
      • hasCreatorAnnotation

        public boolean hasCreatorAnnotation(Annotated a)
        Description copied from class: AnnotationIntrospector
        Method for checking whether given annotated item (method, constructor) has an annotation that suggests that the method is a "creator" (aka factory) method to be used for construct new instances of deserialized values.
        hasCreatorAnnotation in class AnnotationIntrospector
        True if such annotation is found (and is not disabled), false otherwise
      • _isIgnorable

        protected boolean _isIgnorable(Annotated a)
      • _constructNoTypeResolverBuilder

        protected StdTypeResolverBuilder _constructNoTypeResolverBuilder()
        Helper method for dealing with "no type info" marker; can't be null (as it'd be replaced by default typing)

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