
Class DeserializationProblemHandler

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.DeserializationProblemHandler

  • public abstract class DeserializationProblemHandler
    extends Object
    This is the class that can be registered (via DeserializationConfig object owner by ObjectMapper) to get calledn when a potentially recoverable problem is encountered during deserialization process. Handlers can try to resolve the problem, throw an exception or do nothing.

    Default implementations for all methods implemented minimal "do nothing" functionality, which is roughly equivalent to not having a registered listener at all. This allows for only implemented handler methods one is interested in, without handling other cases.

    • Constructor Detail

      • DeserializationProblemHandler

        public DeserializationProblemHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • handleUnknownProperty

        public boolean handleUnknownProperty(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                                    JsonParser jp,
                                    JsonDeserializer<?> deserializer,
                                    Object beanOrClass,
                                    String propertyName)
                                      throws IOException,
        Method called when a JSON Map ("Object") entry with an unrecognized name is encountered. Content (supposedly) matching the property are accessible via parser that can be obtained from passed deserialization context. Handler can also choose to skip the content; if so, it MUST return true to indicate it did handle property succesfully. Skipping is usually done like so:

        Note: version 1.2 added new deserialization feature (DeserializationConfig.DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES). It will only have effect after handler is called, and only if handler did not handle the problem.

        beanOrClass - Either bean instance being deserialized (if one has been instantiated so far); or Class that indicates type that will be instantiated (if no instantiation done yet: for example when bean uses non-default constructors)
        jp - Parser to use for handling problematic content
        True if the problem is resolved (and content available used or skipped); false if the handler did not anything and the problem is unresolved. Note that in latter case caller will either throw an exception or explicitly skip the content, depending on configuration.

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