
Class ObjectBuffer

  • public final class ObjectBuffer
    extends Object
    Helper class to use for constructing Object arrays by appending entries to create arrays of various lengths (length that is not known a priori).
    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectBuffer

        public ObjectBuffer()
    • Method Detail

      • resetAndStart

        public Object[] resetAndStart()
        Method called to start buffering process. Will ensure that the buffer is empty, and then return an object array to start chunking content on
      • appendCompletedChunk

        public Object[] appendCompletedChunk(Object[] fullChunk)
        Method called to add a full Object array as a chunk buffered within this buffer, and to obtain a new array to fill. Caller is not to use the array it gives; but to use the returned array for continued buffering.
        fullChunk - Completed chunk that the caller is requesting to append to this buffer. It is generally chunk that was returned by an earlier call to resetAndStart() or appendCompletedChunk(java.lang.Object[]) (although this is not required or enforced)
        New chunk buffer for caller to fill
      • completeAndClearBuffer

        public Object[] completeAndClearBuffer(Object[] lastChunk,
                                      int lastChunkEntries)
        Method called to indicate that the buffering process is now complete; and to construct a combined exactly-sized result array. Additionally the buffer itself will be reset to reduce memory retention.

        Resulting array will be of generic Object[] type: if a typed array is needed, use the method with additional type argument.

      • completeAndClearBuffer

        public <T> T[] completeAndClearBuffer(Object[] lastChunk,
                                     int lastChunkEntries,
                                     Class<T> componentType)
        Type-safe alternative to completeAndClearBuffer(Object[], int), to allow for constructing explicitly typed result array.
        componentType - Type of elements included in the buffer. Will be used for constructing the result array.
      • completeAndClearBuffer

        public void completeAndClearBuffer(Object[] lastChunk,
                                  int lastChunkEntries,
                                  List<Object> resultList)
      • initialCapacity

        public int initialCapacity()
        Helper method that can be used to check how much free capacity will this instance start with. Can be used to choose the best instance to reuse, based on size of reusable object chunk buffer holds reference to.
      • bufferedSize

        public int bufferedSize()
        Method that can be used to check how many Objects have been buffered within this buffer.
      • _reset

        protected void _reset()
      • _copyTo

        protected final void _copyTo(Object resultArray,
                   int totalSize,
                   Object[] lastChunk,
                   int lastChunkEntries)

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