
Class JsonMappingException

    • Method Detail

      • wrapWithPath

        public static JsonMappingException wrapWithPath(Throwable src,
                                        Object refFrom,
                                        String refFieldName)
        Method that can be called to either create a new JsonMappingException (if underlying exception is not a JsonMappingException), or augment given exception with given path/reference information. This version of method is called when the reference is through a non-indexed object, such as a Map or POJO/bean.
      • wrapWithPath

        public static JsonMappingException wrapWithPath(Throwable src,
                                        Object refFrom,
                                        int index)
        Method that can be called to either create a new JsonMappingException (if underlying exception is not a JsonMappingException), or augment given exception with given path/reference information. This version of method is called when the reference is through an index, which happens with arrays and Collections.
      • wrapWithPath

        public static JsonMappingException wrapWithPath(Throwable src,
                                        JsonMappingException.Reference ref)
        Method that can be called to either create a new JsonMappingException (if underlying exception is not a JsonMappingException), or augment given exception with given path/reference information.
      • getPathReference

        public String getPathReference()
        Method for accesing description of path that lead to the problem that triggered this exception
      • prependPath

        public void prependPath(Object referrer,
                       String fieldName)
        Method called to prepend a reference information in front of current path
      • prependPath

        public void prependPath(Object referrer,
                       int index)
        Method called to prepend a reference information in front of current path
      • getMessage

        public String getMessage()
        Method is overridden so that we can properly inject description of problem path, if such is defined.
        getMessage in class JsonProcessingException
      • _buildMessage

        protected String _buildMessage()
      • _appendPathDesc

        protected void _appendPathDesc(StringBuilder sb)

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