
Annotation Type JsonAppend

  • @Target(value={ANNOTATION_TYPE,TYPE})
    public @interface JsonAppend
    Annotation that may be used to add "virtual" properties to be written after regular properties (although ordering may be changed using both standard @JsonPropertyOrder annotation, and properties of this annotation).
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element and Description
      JsonAppend.Attr[] attrs
      Set of attribute-backed properties to include when serializing a POJO.
      boolean prepend
      Indicator used to determine whether properties defined are to be appended after (false) or prepended before (true) regular properties.
      JsonAppend.Prop[] props
      Set of general virtual properties to include when serializing a POJO.
    • Element Detail

      • attrs

        public abstract JsonAppend.Attr[] attrs
        Set of attribute-backed properties to include when serializing a POJO.
      • props

        public abstract JsonAppend.Prop[] props
        Set of general virtual properties to include when serializing a POJO.
      • prepend

        public abstract boolean prepend
        Indicator used to determine whether properties defined are to be appended after (false) or prepended before (true) regular properties. Affects all kinds of properties defined using this annotation.

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