Interface | Description |
Annotations |
Interface that defines interface for accessing contents of a
collection of annotations.
Converter<IN,OUT> |
Helper interface for things that convert Objects of
one type to another.
LookupCache<K,V> |
An interface describing the required API for the Jackson-databind Type cache.
Named |
Simple tag interface mostly to allow sorting by name.
Class | Description |
ArrayBuilders |
Helper class that contains set of distinct builders for different
arrays of primitive values.
ArrayBuilders.BooleanBuilder | |
ArrayBuilders.ByteBuilder | |
ArrayBuilders.DoubleBuilder | |
ArrayBuilders.FloatBuilder | |
ArrayBuilders.IntBuilder | |
ArrayBuilders.LongBuilder | |
ArrayBuilders.ShortBuilder | |
ArrayIterator<T> |
Iterator implementation used to efficiently expose contents of an
Array as read-only iterator.
BeanUtil |
Helper class that contains functionality needed by both serialization
and deserialization side.
ByteBufferBackedInputStream |
InputStream implementation that exposes currently
available content of a ByteBuffer . |
ByteBufferBackedOutputStream |
OutputStream implementation that appends content
written in given ByteBuffer instance. |
ClassUtil | |
ClassUtil.Ctor |
Value class used for caching Constructor declarations; used because
caching done by JDK appears to be somewhat inefficient for some use cases.
CompactStringObjectMap | |
Converter.None |
This marker class is only to be used with annotations, to
indicate that no converter is to be used.
EnumResolver |
Helper class used to resolve String values (either JSON Object field
names or regular String values) into Java Enum instances.
EnumValues |
Helper class used for storing String serializations of
Enum s,
to match to/from external representations. |
IgnorePropertiesUtil | |
IgnorePropertiesUtil.Checker |
Helper class to encapsulate logic from static
shouldIgnore method
of util class. |
ISO8601DateFormat | Deprecated
StdDateFormat instead |
ISO8601Utils | Deprecated |
JSONPObject |
Container class that can be used to wrap any Object instances (including
nulls), and will serialize embedded in
JSONP wrapping.
JSONWrappedObject |
General-purpose wrapper class that can be used to decorate serialized
value with arbitrary literal prefix and suffix.
LinkedNode<T> |
Node of a forward-only linked list.
LRUMap<K,V> |
Helper for simple bounded maps used for reusing lookup values.
NameTransformer |
Helper class used to encapsulate details of name mangling, transforming
of names using different strategies (prefixes, suffixes).
NameTransformer.Chained | |
NameTransformer.NopTransformer | |
ObjectBuffer |
Helper class to use for constructing Object arrays by appending entries
to create arrays of various lengths (length that is not known a priori).
PrimitiveArrayBuilder<T> |
Base class for specialized primitive array builders.
RawValue |
Helper class used to encapsulate "raw values", pre-encoded textual content
that can be output as opaque value with no quoting/escaping, using
JsonGenerator.writeRawValue(String) . |
RootNameLookup |
Helper class for caching resolved root names.
SimpleBeanPropertyDefinition |
Simple immutable
BeanPropertyDefinition implementation that can
be wrapped around a AnnotatedMember that is a simple
accessor (getter) or mutator (setter, constructor parameter)
(or both, for fields). |
StdConverter<IN,OUT> |
Standard implementation of
Converter that supports explicit
type access, instead of relying type detection of generic type
parameters. |
StdDateFormat |
DateFormat implementation used by standard Date
serializers and deserializers. |
TokenBuffer |
Utility class used for efficient storage of
sequences, needed for temporary buffering. |
TokenBuffer.Parser | |
TokenBuffer.Segment |
Individual segment of TokenBuffer that can store up to 16 tokens
(limited by 4 bits per token type marker requirement).
TokenBufferReadContext |
Implementation of
JsonStreamContext used by TokenBuffer
to link back to the original context to try to keep location information
consistent between source location and buffered content when it's re-read
from the buffer. |
TypeKey |
Key that offers two "modes"; one with raw class, as used for
cases were raw class type is available (for example, when using
runtime type); and one with full generics-including.
ViewMatcher |
Helper class used for checking whether a property is visible
in the active view
Enum | Description |
AccessPattern |
Enumeration used to indicate required access pattern for providers:
this can sometimes be used to optimize out dynamic calls.
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