protected Object readResolve()
String _name
Note that this is the only non-transient field; used when reading back from serialized state.
Also: must not be private, accessed from `BaseVariants`
char _paddingChar
if not).int _maxLineLength
if not limited).
Note: for some output modes (when writing attributes) linefeeds may need to be avoided, and this value ignored.
boolean _writePadding
Base64Variant.PaddingReadBehaviour _paddingReadBehaviour
int _maxErrorTokenLength
int _maxRawContentLength
protected Object readResolve()
Note: must be overridden by sub-classes as well.
int _factoryFeatures
int _parserFeatures
int _generatorFeatures
RecyclerPool<P extends RecyclerPool.WithPool<P>> _recyclerPool
configured for use by this factory: used for
recycling underlying read and/or write buffers via BufferRecycler
.ObjectCodec _objectCodec
CharacterEscapes _characterEscapes
StreamReadConstraints _streamReadConstraints
s constructed using
this factory.ErrorReportConfiguration _errorReportConfiguration
StreamWriteConstraints _streamWriteConstraints
s constructed using
this factory.InputDecorator _inputDecorator
OutputDecorator _outputDecorator
List<E> _generatorDecorators
s to apply to JsonGenerator
after construction; applied in the order of addition.SerializableString _rootValueSeparator
int _maximumNonEscapedChar
to indicate that no threshold is specified, or value
at or above 127 to indicate last character code that is NOT automatically escaped
(but depends on other configuration rules for checking).char _quoteChar
and JSON String values.long _totalBytes
long _totalChars
int _lineNr
int _columnNr
ContentReference _contentReference
(Object-valued)private Object writeReplace()
JsonPointer _nextSegment
JsonPointer _head
NOTE: we'll use `volatile` here assuming that this is unlikely to become a performance bottleneck. If it becomes one we can probably just drop it and things still should work (despite warnings as per JMM regarding visibility (and lack thereof) of unguarded changes).
String _asString
should be as efficient as possible.
NOTE: starting with 2.14, there is no accompanying
that MUST be considered with this String;
this String
may contain preceding path, as it is now full path
of parent pointer, except for the outermost pointer instance.
int _asStringOffset
String _matchingPropertyName
int _matchingElementIndex
int _hashCode
being the exact full representation (it
is often "more", including parent path).JsonLocation _location
int _maxNestingDepth
long _maxDocLen
long _maxTokenCount
int _maxNumLen
int _maxStringLen
int _maxNameLen
int _maxNestingDepth
RequestPayload _requestPayload
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
protected Object readResolve()
int _offset
if not in _length
if not in use.boolean _isContentTextual
int _maxRawContentLength
JsonToken _token
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
protected Object readResolve()
String _value
byte[] _quotedUTF8Ref
byte[] _unquotedUTF8Ref
char[] _quotedChars
char[] indents
int charsPerLevel
String eol
DefaultPrettyPrinter.Indenter _arrayIndenter
DefaultPrettyPrinter.Indenter _objectIndenter
SerializableString _rootSeparator
boolean _spacesInObjectEntries
Separators _separators
String _objectFieldValueSeparatorWithSpaces
String _objectEntrySeparator
String _objectEmptySeparator
{ }
.String _arrayValueSeparator
String _arrayEmptySeparator
[ ]
.ReentrantLock lock
int _enabled
protected Object readResolve()
protected Object readResolve()
protected Object readResolve()
protected Object readResolve()
protected Object readResolve()
String _rootValueSeparator
Separators _separators
int _serialization
byte[] _payloadAsBytes
CharSequence _payloadAsText
String _charset
char objectFieldValueSeparator
Separators.Spacing objectFieldValueSpacing
char objectEntrySeparator
Separators.Spacing objectEntrySpacing
String objectEmptySeparator
char arrayValueSeparator
Separators.Spacing arrayValueSpacing
String arrayEmptySeparator
String rootSeparator
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