
Interface FormatSchema

  • public interface FormatSchema
    Simple tag interface used to mark schema objects that are used by some JsonParser and JsonGenerator implementations to further specify structure of expected format. Basic JSON-based parsers and generators do not use schemas, but some data formats (like many binary data formats like Thrift, protobuf) mandate use of schemas. Others like CSV and Java Properties may optionally use schemas (and/or use simple default schema to use if caller does not specify one) which specifies some aspects of structuring content.

    Since there is little commonality between schemas for different data formats, this interface does not define much meaningful functionality for accessing schema details; rather, specific parser and generator implementations need to cast to schema implementations they use. This marker interface is mostly used for tagging "some kind of schema" -- instead of passing opaque Object -- for documentation purposes.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      String getSchemaType()
      Method that can be used to get an identifier that can be used for diagnostics purposes, to indicate what kind of data format this schema is used for: typically it is a short name of format itself, but it can also contain additional information in cases where data format supports multiple types of schemas.
    • Method Detail

      • getSchemaType

        String getSchemaType()
        Method that can be used to get an identifier that can be used for diagnostics purposes, to indicate what kind of data format this schema is used for: typically it is a short name of format itself, but it can also contain additional information in cases where data format supports multiple types of schemas.
        Logical name of schema type

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