
Enum JsonReadFeature

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant and Description
      Feature that can be enabled to accept quoting of all character using backslash quoting mechanism: if not enabled, only characters that are explicitly listed by JSON specification can be thus escaped (see JSON spec for small list of these characters) Since JSON specification requires quoting for all control characters, this is a non-standard feature, and as such disabled by default.
      Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of Java/C/C++ style comments (both '/'+'*' and '//' varieties) within parsed content or not.
      Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON decimal numbers to start with a decimal point (like: .123).
      Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON decimal numbers to start with a plus sign (like: +123).
      Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON integral numbers to start with additional (ignorable) zeroes (like: 000001).
      Feature allows the support for "missing" values in a JSON array: missing value meaning sequence of two commas, without value in-between but only optional white space.
      Feature that allows parser to recognize set of "Not-a-Number" (NaN) tokens as legal floating number values (similar to how many other data formats and programming language source code allows it).
      Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of single quotes (apostrophe, character '\'') for quoting Strings (names and String values).
      Feature that determines whether JsonParser will allow for a single trailing comma following the final value (in an Array) or member (in an Object).
      Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON decimal numbers to end with a decimal point (like: 123.).
      Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON Strings to contain unescaped control characters (ASCII characters with value less than 32, including tab and line feed characters) or not.
      Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of unquoted field names (which is allowed by Javascript, but not by JSON specification).
      Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of YAML comments, ones starting with '#' and continuing until the end of the line.
    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_JAVA_COMMENTS
        Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of Java/C/C++ style comments (both '/'+'*' and '//' varieties) within parsed content or not.

        Since JSON specification does not mention comments as legal construct, this is a non-standard feature; however, in the wild this is extensively used. As such, feature is disabled by default for parsers and must be explicitly enabled.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_YAML_COMMENTS
        Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of YAML comments, ones starting with '#' and continuing until the end of the line. This commenting style is common with scripting languages as well.

        Since JSON specification does not mention comments as legal construct, this is a non-standard feature. As such, feature is disabled by default for parsers and must be explicitly enabled.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES
        Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of single quotes (apostrophe, character '\'') for quoting Strings (names and String values). If so, this is in addition to other acceptable markers.

        Since JSON specification requires use of double quotes for field names, this is a non-standard feature, and as such disabled by default.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES
        Feature that determines whether parser will allow use of unquoted field names (which is allowed by Javascript, but not by JSON specification).

        Since JSON specification requires use of double quotes for field names, this is a non-standard feature, and as such disabled by default.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_UNESCAPED_CONTROL_CHARS
        Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON Strings to contain unescaped control characters (ASCII characters with value less than 32, including tab and line feed characters) or not. If feature is set false, an exception is thrown if such a character is encountered.

        Since JSON specification requires quoting for all control characters, this is a non-standard feature, and as such disabled by default.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_BACKSLASH_ESCAPING_ANY_CHARACTER
        Feature that can be enabled to accept quoting of all character using backslash quoting mechanism: if not enabled, only characters that are explicitly listed by JSON specification can be thus escaped (see JSON spec for small list of these characters)

        Since JSON specification requires quoting for all control characters, this is a non-standard feature, and as such disabled by default.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_LEADING_ZEROS_FOR_NUMBERS
        Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON integral numbers to start with additional (ignorable) zeroes (like: 000001). If enabled, no exception is thrown, and extra nulls are silently ignored (and not included in textual representation exposed via JsonParser.getText()).

        Since JSON specification does not allow leading zeroes, this is a non-standard feature, and as such disabled by default.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_LEADING_PLUS_SIGN_FOR_NUMBERS
        Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON decimal numbers to start with a plus sign (like: +123). If enabled, no exception is thrown, and the number is parsed as though a leading sign had not been present.

        Since JSON specification does not allow leading plus signs, this is a non-standard feature, and as such disabled by default.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_LEADING_DECIMAL_POINT_FOR_NUMBERS
        Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON decimal numbers to start with a decimal point (like: .123). If enabled, no exception is thrown, and the number is parsed as though a leading 0 had been present.

        Since JSON specification does not allow leading decimal points, this is a non-standard feature, and as such disabled by default.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT_FOR_NUMBERS
        Feature that determines whether parser will allow JSON decimal numbers to end with a decimal point (like: 123.). If enabled, no exception is thrown, and the number is parsed as though the trailing decimal point had not been present.

        Since JSON specification does not allow trailing decimal points, this is a non-standard feature, and as such disabled by default.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_NON_NUMERIC_NUMBERS
        Feature that allows parser to recognize set of "Not-a-Number" (NaN) tokens as legal floating number values (similar to how many other data formats and programming language source code allows it). Specific subset contains values that XML Schema (see section, Lexical Representation) allows (tokens are quoted contents, not including quotes):
        • "INF" (for positive infinity), as well as alias of "Infinity"
        • "-INF" (for negative infinity), alias "-Infinity"
        • "NaN" (for other not-a-numbers, like result of division by zero)

        Since JSON specification does not allow use of such values, this is a non-standard feature, and as such disabled by default.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_MISSING_VALUES
        Feature allows the support for "missing" values in a JSON array: missing value meaning sequence of two commas, without value in-between but only optional white space. Enabling this feature will expose "missing" values as JsonToken.VALUE_NULL tokens, which typically become Java nulls in arrays and Collection in data-binding.

        For example, enabling this feature will represent a JSON array ["value1",,"value3",] as ["value1", null, "value3", null]

        Since the JSON specification does not allow missing values this is a non-compliant JSON feature and is disabled by default.


        public static final JsonReadFeature ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMA
        Feature that determines whether JsonParser will allow for a single trailing comma following the final value (in an Array) or member (in an Object). These commas will simply be ignored.

        For example, when this feature is enabled, [true,true,] is equivalent to [true, true] and {"a": true,} is equivalent to {"a": true}.

        When combined with ALLOW_MISSING_VALUES, this feature takes priority, and the final trailing comma in an array declaration does not imply a missing (null) value. For example, when both ALLOW_MISSING_VALUES and ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMA are enabled, [true,true,] is equivalent to [true, true], and [true,true,,] is equivalent to [true, true, null].

        Since the JSON specification does not permit trailing commas, this is a non-standard feature, and as such disabled by default.

    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static JsonReadFeature[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (JsonReadFeature c : JsonReadFeature.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static JsonReadFeature valueOf(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • collectDefaults

        public static int collectDefaults()
        Method that calculates bit set (flags) of all features that are enabled by default.
        Bit mask of all features that are enabled by default
      • getMask

        public int getMask()
        Description copied from interface: FormatFeature
        Returns bit mask for this feature instance; must be a single bit, that is of form (1 << N)
        Specified by:
        getMask in interface FormatFeature
        Specified by:
        getMask in interface JacksonFeature
        Bit mask of this feature
      • enabledIn

        public boolean enabledIn(int flags)
        Description copied from interface: FormatFeature
        Convenience method for checking whether feature is enabled in given bitmask
        Specified by:
        enabledIn in interface FormatFeature
        Specified by:
        enabledIn in interface JacksonFeature
        flags - Bit field that contains a set of enabled features of this type
        True if this feature is enabled in passed bit field

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