
Class JacksonFeatureSet<F extends JacksonFeature>

    • Field Detail

      • _enabled

        protected int _enabled
    • Constructor Detail

      • JacksonFeatureSet

        protected JacksonFeatureSet(int bitmask)
        Constructor for creating instance with specific bitmask, wherein 1 bit means matching JacksonFeature is enabled and 0 disabled.
        bitmask - Bitmask for features that are enabled
    • Method Detail

      • fromDefaults

        public static <F extends JacksonFeatureJacksonFeatureSet<F> fromDefaults(F[] allFeatures)
        "Default" factory which will calculate settings based on default-enabled status of all features.
        Type Parameters:
        F - Self-reference type for convenience
        allFeatures - Set of all features (enabled or disabled): usually from Enum.values()
        Feature set instance constructed
      • with

        public JacksonFeatureSet<F> with(F feature)
        Mutant factory for getting a set in which specified feature is enabled: will either return this instance (if no change), or newly created set (if there is change).
        feature - Feature to enable in set returned
        Newly created set of state of feature changed; this if not
      • without

        public JacksonFeatureSet<F> without(F feature)
        Mutant factory for getting a set in which specified feature is disabled: will either return this instance (if no change), or newly created set (if there is change).
        feature - Feature to disable in set returned
        Newly created set of state of feature changed; this if not
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled(F feature)
        Main accessor for checking whether given feature is enabled in this feature set.
        feature - Feature to check
        True if feature is enabled in this set; false otherwise
      • asBitmask

        public int asBitmask()
        Accessor for underlying bitmask
        Bitmask of enabled features

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