Class ContentReference

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ContentReference
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Abstraction that encloses information about content being processed -- input source or output target, streaming or not -- for the purpose of including pertinent information in location (see JsonLocation) objections, most commonly to be printed out as part of Exception messages.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        protected static final ContentReference UNKNOWN_CONTENT
        Constant that may be used when source/target content is not known (or not exposed).

        NOTE: As of 2.13 assume to contain Binary content, meaning that no content snippets will be included.


        protected static final ContentReference REDACTED_CONTENT
        As content will be redacted by default in Jackson 2.16 and later, we'll use a new marker reference for slightly different description from "unknown", to indicate explicit removal of source/content reference (as opposed to it missing from not being available or so)
      • _rawContent

        protected final transient Object _rawContent
        Reference to the actual underlying content.
      • _offset

        protected final int _offset
        For static content, indicates offset from the beginning of static array. -1 if not in use.
      • _length

        protected final int _length
        For static content, indicates length of content in the static array. -1 if not in use.
      • _isContentTextual

        protected final boolean _isContentTextual
        Marker flag to indicate whether included content is textual or not: this is taken to mean, by default, that a snippet of content may be displayed for exception messages.
      • _maxRawContentLength

        protected final int _maxRawContentLength
        max raw content to return as configured
    • Method Detail

      • unknown

        public static ContentReference unknown()
        Accessor for getting a placeholder for cases where actual content is not known (or is not something that system wants to expose).
        Placeholder "unknown" (or "empty") instance to use instead of null reference
      • redacted

        public static ContentReference redacted()
        Accessor for getting a placeholder when actual content is not to be exposed: different from unknown() where content is not available to be referenced.
        Placeholder instance to use in cases where reference is explicitly blocked, usually for security reasons.
      • rawReference

        public static ContentReference rawReference(boolean isContentTextual,
                                                    Object rawContent)
        Factory method for legacy code to use for constructing instances to content about which only minimal amount of information is available. Assumed not to contain textual content (no snippet displayed).
        isContentTextual - Is raw content assumed to have textual content (true) or binary (false)
        rawContent - Underlying raw content access
        Instance with minimal information about content (basically just raw content reference without offsets
      • readResolve

        protected Object readResolve()
      • hasTextualContent

        public boolean hasTextualContent()
      • getRawContent

        public Object getRawContent()
      • contentOffset

        public int contentOffset()
      • contentLength

        public int contentLength()
      • maxRawContentLength

        protected int maxRawContentLength()
        Internal accessor, overridable, used for checking length (in units in which content is counted, either bytes or chars) to use for truncation (so as not to include full content for humongous sources or targets)
        Maximum content snippet to include before truncating
        See Also:
      • buildSourceDescription

        public String buildSourceDescription()
        Method for constructing a "source description" when content represented by this reference is read.
        Description constructed
      • appendSourceDescription

        public StringBuilder appendSourceDescription(StringBuilder sb)
        Method for appending a "source description" when content represented by this reference is read.
        sb - StringBuilder to append description to
        StringBuilder passed as argument (for call chaining)
      • _truncate

        protected String _truncate(CharSequence cs,
                                   int[] offsets,
                                   int maxSnippetLen)
      • _truncate

        protected String _truncate(char[] cs,
                                   int[] offsets,
                                   int maxSnippetLen)
      • _truncate

        protected String _truncate(byte[] b,
                                   int[] offsets,
                                   int maxSnippetLen)
      • _truncateOffsets

        protected void _truncateOffsets(int[] offsets,
                                        int actualLength)
      • _appendEscaped

        protected boolean _appendEscaped(StringBuilder sb,
                                         int ctrlChar)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object

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