Annotation Interface JacksonInject

@Target({ANNOTATION_TYPE,METHOD,FIELD,PARAMETER}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface JacksonInject
Jackson-specific annotation used for indicating that value of annotated property will be "injected", i.e. set based on value configured by ObjectMapper (usually on per-call basis). Usually property is not deserialized from JSON, although it is possible to have injected value as default and still allow optional override from JSON.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    Helper class used to contain information from a single JacksonInject annotation, as well as to provide possible overrides from non-annotation sources.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Whether matching value from input (if any) is used for annotated property or not; if disabled (`OptBoolean.FALSE`), input value (if any) will be ignored; otherwise it will override injected value.
    Logical id of the value to inject; if not specified (or specified as empty String), will use id based on declared type of property.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value
      Logical id of the value to inject; if not specified (or specified as empty String), will use id based on declared type of property.
      Logical id of the value to inject
    • useInput

      OptBoolean useInput
      Whether matching value from input (if any) is used for annotated property or not; if disabled (`OptBoolean.FALSE`), input value (if any) will be ignored; otherwise it will override injected value.

      Default is `OptBoolean.DEFAULT`, which translates to `OptBoolean.TRUE`.

      OptBoolean.TRUE to enable use of value from input instead of injected value, if available; OptBoolean.FALSE if injected value will always be used regardless of input.