Class ObjectIdGenerator<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of Object Identifiers produced.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ObjectIdGenerators.IntSequenceGenerator, ObjectIdGenerators.None, ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator, ObjectIdGenerators.StringIdGenerator, ObjectIdGenerators.UUIDGenerator

public abstract class ObjectIdGenerator<T> extends Object implements Serializable
Definition of API used for constructing Object Identifiers (as annotated using JsonIdentityInfo). Also defines factory methods used for creating instances for serialization, deserialization.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ObjectIdGenerator

      public ObjectIdGenerator()
  • Method Details

    • getScope

      public abstract Class<?> getScope()
    • canUseFor

      public abstract boolean canUseFor(ObjectIdGenerator<?> gen)
      Method called to check whether this generator instance can be used for Object Ids of specific generator type and scope; determination is based by passing a configured "blueprint" (prototype) instance; from which the actual instances are created (using newForSerialization(java.lang.Object)).
      True if this instance can be used as-is; false if not
    • maySerializeAsObject

      public boolean maySerializeAsObject()
      Accessor that needs to be overridden to return true if the Object Id may be serialized as JSON Object; used by, for example, JSOG handling. The reason accessor is needed is that handling such Object Ids is more complex and may incur additional buffering or performance overhead, avoiding of which makes sense for common case of scalar object ids (or native object ids some formats support).

      Default implementation returns false, so needs to be overridden by Object-producing generators.

    • isValidReferencePropertyName

      public boolean isValidReferencePropertyName(String name, Object parser)
      Accessor that may be called (after verifying (via maySerializeAsObject()) whether given name
      name - Name of property to check
      parser - Parser that points to property name, in case generator needs further verification (note: untyped, because JsonParser is defined in `jackson-core`, and this package does not depend on it).
    • forScope

      public abstract ObjectIdGenerator<T> forScope(Class<?> scope)
      Factory method to create a blueprint instance for specified scope. Generators that do not use scope may return 'this'.
    • newForSerialization

      public abstract ObjectIdGenerator<T> newForSerialization(Object context)
      Factory method called to create a new instance to use for serialization: needed since generators may have state (next id to produce).

      Note that actual type of 'context' is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider, but can not be declared here as type itself (as well as call to this object) comes from databind package.

      context - Serialization context object used (of type com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider); may be needed by more complex generators to access contextual information such as configuration.
    • key

      public abstract ObjectIdGenerator.IdKey key(Object key)
      Method for constructing key to use for ObjectId-to-POJO maps.
    • generateId

      public abstract T generateId(Object forPojo)
      Method used for generating a new Object Identifier to serialize for given POJO.
      forPojo - POJO for which identifier is needed
      Object Identifier to use.