
Class AtomikosProperties

    • Constructor Detail

      • AtomikosProperties

        public AtomikosProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • setService

        public void setService(String service)
        Specifies the transaction manager implementation that should be started. There is no default value and this must be set. Generally, com.atomikos.icatch.standalone.UserTransactionServiceFactory is the value you should set.
        service - the service
      • setMaxTimeout

        public void setMaxTimeout(long maxTimeout)
        Specifies the maximum timeout (in milliseconds) that can be allowed for transactions. Defaults to 300000. This means that calls to UserTransaction.setTransactionTimeout() with a value higher than configured here will be max'ed to this value.
        maxTimeout - the max timeout
      • setDefaultJtaTimeout

        public void setDefaultJtaTimeout(long defaultJtaTimeout)
        The default timeout for JTA transactions (optional, defaults to 10000 ms).
        defaultJtaTimeout - the default JTA timeout
      • setMaxActives

        public void setMaxActives(int maxActivities)
        Specifies the maximum number of active transactions. Defaults to 50. A negative value means infinite amount. You will get an IllegalStateException with error message "Max number of active transactions reached" if you call UserTransaction.begin() while there are already n concurrent transactions running, n being this value.
        maxActivities - the max activities
      • setEnableLogging

        public void setEnableLogging(boolean enableLogging)
        Specifies if disk logging should be enabled or not. Defaults to true. It is useful for JUnit testing, or to profile code without seeing the transaction manager's activity as a hot spot but this should never be disabled on production or data integrity cannot be guaranteed.
        enableLogging - if logging is enabled
      • setTransactionManagerUniqueName

        public void setTransactionManagerUniqueName(String uniqueName)
        Specifies the transaction manager's unique name. Defaults to the machine's IP address. If you plan to run more than one transaction manager against one database you must set this property to a unique value or you might run into duplicate transaction ID (XID) problems that can be quite subtle (example: If multiple instances need to use the same properties file then the easiest way to ensure uniqueness for this property is by referencing a system property specified at VM startup.
        uniqueName - the unique name
      • setSerialJtaTransactions

        public void setSerialJtaTransactions(boolean serialJtaTransactions)
        Specifies if subtransactions should be joined when possible. Defaults to true. When false, no attempt to call XAResource.start(TM_JOIN) will be made for different but related subtransctions. This setting has no effect on resource access within one and the same transaction. If you don't use subtransactions then this setting can be ignored.
        serialJtaTransactions - if serial JTA transaction are supported
      • setForceShutdownOnVmExit

        public void setForceShutdownOnVmExit(boolean forceShutdownOnVmExit)
        Specifies whether VM shutdown should trigger forced shutdown of the transaction core. Defaults to false.
        forceShutdownOnVmExit -
      • setLogBaseName

        public void setLogBaseName(String logBaseName)
        Specifies the transactions log file base name. Defaults to tmlog. The transactions logs are stored in files using this name appended with a number and the extension .log. At checkpoint, a new transactions log file is created and the number is incremented.
        logBaseName - the log base name
      • setLogBaseDir

        public void setLogBaseDir(String logBaseDir)
        Specifies the directory in which the log files should be stored. Defaults to the current working directory. This directory should be a stable storage like a SAN, RAID or at least backed up location. The transactions logs files are as important as the data themselves to guarantee consistency in case of failures.
        logBaseDir - the log base dir
      • setCheckpointInterval

        public void setCheckpointInterval(long checkpointInterval)
        Specifies the interval between checkpoints. A checkpoint reduces the log file size at the expense of adding some overhead in the runtime. Defaults to 500.
        checkpointInterval - the checkpoint interval
      • setOutputDir

        public void setOutputDir(String outputDir)
        Specifies the directory in which to store the debug log files. Defaults to the current working directory.
        outputDir - the output dir
      • setConsoleFileName

        public void setConsoleFileName(String consoleFileName)
        Specifies the debug logs file name. Defaults to tm.out.
        consoleFileName - the console file name
      • setConsoleFileCount

        public void setConsoleFileCount(int consoleFileCount)
        Specifies how many debug logs files can be created. Defaults to 1.
        consoleFileCount - the console file count
      • setConsoleFileLimit

        public void setConsoleFileLimit(int consoleFileLimit)
        Specifies how many bytes can be stored at most in debug logs files. Defaults to -1. Negative values means unlimited.
        consoleFileLimit - the console file limit
      • setThreadedTwoPhaseCommit

        public void setThreadedTwoPhaseCommit(boolean threadedTwoPhaseCommit)
        Specifies whether or not to use different (and concurrent) threads for two-phase commit on the participating resources. Setting this to true implies that the commit is more efficient since waiting for acknowledgements is done in parallel. Defaults to true. If you set this to false, then commits will happen in the order that resources are accessed within the transaction.
        threadedTwoPhaseCommit - if threaded two phase commits should be used
      • asProperties

        public Properties asProperties()
        Returns the properties as a Properties object that can be used with Atomikos.
        the properties

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