
Class CouchDbProvider

  • java.lang.Object
    • org.apache.logging.log4j.nosql.appender.couchdb.CouchDbProvider
    • Method Detail

      • getConnection

        public CouchDbConnection getConnection()
        Description copied from interface: NoSqlProvider
        Obtains a connection from this provider. The concept of a connection in this case is not strictly an active duplex UDP or TCP connection to the underlying database. It can be thought of more as a gateway, a path for inserting objects that may use a persistent connection or may use HTTP web service calls, etc.

        Where applicable, this method should return a connection from the connection pool as opposed to opening a brand new connection every time.

        Specified by:
        getConnection in interface NoSqlProvider<CouchDbConnection>
        a connection that can be used to create and persist objects to this database.
        See Also:
      • createNoSqlProvider

        public static CouchDbProvider createNoSqlProvider(@PluginAttribute(value="databaseName")
                                                                         String databaseName,
                                                                         String protocol,
                                                                         @PluginAttribute(value="server",defaultString="localhost") @ValidHost
                                                                         String server,
                                                                         @PluginAttribute(value="port",defaultString="0") @ValidPort
                                                                         String port,
                                                                         String username,
                                                                         String password,
                                                                         String factoryClassName,
                                                                         String factoryMethodName)
        Factory method for creating an Apache CouchDB provider within the plugin manager.
        databaseName - The name of the database to which log event documents will be written.
        protocol - Either "http" or "https," defaults to "http" and mutually exclusive with factoryClassName&factoryMethodName!=null.
        server - The host name of the CouchDB server, defaults to localhost and mutually exclusive with factoryClassName&factoryMethodName!=null.
        port - The port that CouchDB is listening on, defaults to 80 if protocol is "http" and 443 if protocol is "https," and mutually exclusive with factoryClassName&factoryMethodName!=null.
        username - The username to authenticate against the MongoDB server with, mutually exclusive with factoryClassName&factoryMethodName!=null.
        password - The password to authenticate against the MongoDB server with, mutually exclusive with factoryClassName&factoryMethodName!=null.
        factoryClassName - A fully qualified class name containing a static factory method capable of returning a CouchDbClient or CouchDbProperties.
        factoryMethodName - The name of the public static factory method belonging to the aforementioned factory class.
        a new Apache CouchDB provider.

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