Enum Class Img

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<Img>, Constable

public enum Img extends Enum<Img>
This stores an enum with the names of all the images to be used in the game. It creates a new instance of the image by loading the object and returning a BufferedImage object from a png file with its name.
  • Enum Constant Details

    • Title

      public static final Img Title
      The title card for the side panel.
    • BlueKey

      public static final Img BlueKey
      The blue key image.
    • BlueLockedDoor

      public static final Img BlueLockedDoor
      The blue locked door image.
    • GreenKey

      public static final Img GreenKey
      The green key image.
    • GreenLockedDoor

      public static final Img GreenLockedDoor
      The green locked door image.
    • RedKey

      public static final Img RedKey
      The red key image.
    • RedLockedDoor

      public static final Img RedLockedDoor
      The red locked door image.
    • YellowKey

      public static final Img YellowKey
      The yellow key image.
    • YellowLockedDoor

      public static final Img YellowLockedDoor
      The yellow locked door image.
    • FreeTile

      public static final Img FreeTile
      The free tile image.
    • Exit

      public static final Img Exit
      The exit tile image.
    • LockedExit

      public static final Img LockedExit
      The locked exit tile image.
    • InfoField

      public static final Img InfoField
      The infoField tile image.
    • Level1Info

      public static final Img Level1Info
      The image displaying the information for level 1.
    • PlayerDown

      public static final Img PlayerDown
      The image of the player moving downwards.
    • PlayerLeft

      public static final Img PlayerLeft
      The image of the player moving to the left.
    • PlayerRight

      public static final Img PlayerRight
      The image of the player moving to the right.
    • PlayerUp

      public static final Img PlayerUp
      The image of the player moving upwards.
    • Treasure

      public static final Img Treasure
      The image for a treasure.
    • Wall

      public static final Img Wall
      The image for a wall tile.
    • BlueKeyNB

      public static final Img BlueKeyNB
      The blue key image without background for inventory display.
    • GreenKeyNB

      public static final Img GreenKeyNB
      The green key image without background for inventory display.
    • RedKeyNB

      public static final Img RedKeyNB
      The red key image without background for inventory display.
    • YellowKeyNB

      public static final Img YellowKeyNB
      The yellow key image without background for inventory display.
    • BouncyPadDown

      public static final Img BouncyPadDown
      The image for a BouncyPad that launches a player downwards.
    • BouncyPadLeft

      public static final Img BouncyPadLeft
      The image for a BouncyPad that launches a player to the left.
    • BouncyPadRight

      public static final Img BouncyPadRight
      The image for a BouncyPad that launches a player to the right.
    • BouncyPadUp

      public static final Img BouncyPadUp
      The image for a BouncyPad that launches a player upwards.
    • Level2Info

      public static final Img Level2Info
      The image displaying the information for level 2.
    • MilkPuddle

      public static final Img MilkPuddle
      The image for the MilkPuddle tile.
  • Field Details

    • image

      public final BufferedImage image
      The image to be loaded and displayed on screen.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static Img[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static Img valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null