
Class MethodAnnotation

    • Constructor Detail

      • MethodAnnotation

        public MethodAnnotation(@DottedClassName
                        String className,
                        String methodName,
                        String methodSig,
                        boolean isStatic)
        className - the name of the class containing the method
        methodName - the name of the method
        methodSig - the Java type signature of the method
        isStatic - true if the method is static, false if not
    • Method Detail

      • fromVisitedMethod

        public static MethodAnnotation fromVisitedMethod(PreorderVisitor visitor)
        Factory method to create a MethodAnnotation from the method the given visitor is currently visiting.
        visitor - the BetterVisitor currently visiting the method
      • fromCalledMethod

        public static MethodAnnotation fromCalledMethod(DismantleBytecode visitor)
        Factory method to create a MethodAnnotation from a method called by the instruction the given visitor is currently visiting.
        visitor - the visitor
        the MethodAnnotation representing the called method
      • fromForeignMethod

        public static MethodAnnotation fromForeignMethod(@SlashedClassName
                                         String className,
                                         String methodName,
                                         String methodSig,
                                         int accessFlags)
        Factory method to create the MethodAnnotation from the classname, method name, signature, etc. The method tries to look up source line information for the method.
        className - name of the class containing the method
        methodName - name of the method
        methodSig - signature of the method
        accessFlags - the access flags of the method
        the MethodAnnotation
      • fromForeignMethod

        public static MethodAnnotation fromForeignMethod(String className,
                                         String methodName,
                                         String methodSig,
                                         boolean isStatic)
        Factory method to create the MethodAnnotation from the classname, method name, signature, etc. The method tries to look up source line information for the method.
        className - name of the class containing the method
        methodName - name of the method
        methodSig - signature of the method
        isStatic - true if the method is static, false otherwise
        the MethodAnnotation
      • fromCalledMethod

        public static MethodAnnotation fromCalledMethod(String className,
                                        String methodName,
                                        String methodSig,
                                        boolean isStatic)
        Create a MethodAnnotation from a method that is not directly accessible. We will use the repository to try to find its class in order to populate the information as fully as possible.
        className - class containing called method
        methodName - name of called method
        methodSig - signature of called method
        isStatic - true if called method is static
        the MethodAnnotation for the called method
      • fromXMethod

        public static MethodAnnotation fromXMethod(XMethod xmethod)
        Create a MethodAnnotation from an XMethod.
        xmethod - the XMethod
        the MethodAnnotation
      • fromMethodDescriptor

        public static MethodAnnotation fromMethodDescriptor(MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor)
        Create a MethodAnnotation from a MethodDescriptor.
        methodDescriptor - the MethodDescriptor
        the MethodAnnotation
      • getMethodName

        public String getMethodName()
        Get the method name.
      • getJavaSourceMethodName

        public String getJavaSourceMethodName()
      • getMethodSignature

        public String getMethodSignature()
        Get the method type signature.
      • isStatic

        public boolean isStatic()
        Return whether or not the method is static.
        true if the method is static, false otherwise
      • toXMethod

        public XMethod toXMethod()
        Convert to an XMethod.
        an XMethod specifying the same method as this MethodAnnotation
      • accept

        public void accept(BugAnnotationVisitor visitor)
        Description copied from interface: BugAnnotation
        Accept a BugAnnotationVisitor.
        visitor - the visitor to accept
      • getNameInClass

        public String getNameInClass(ClassAnnotation primaryClass)
        Get the "full" method name. This is a format which looks sort of like a method signature that would appear in Java source code.
      • getNameInClass

        public String getNameInClass(boolean shortenPackages,
                            boolean useJVMMethodName,
                            boolean hash)
      • getNameInClass

        public String getNameInClass(boolean shortenPackages,
                            boolean useJVMMethodName,
                            boolean hash,
                            boolean omitMethodName)
        Get the "full" method name. This is a format which looks sort of like a method signature that would appear in Java source code. note: If shortenPackeges==true, this will return the same value as getNameInClass(), except that method caches the result and this one does not. Calling this one may be slow.
        shortenPackages - whether to shorten package names if they are in java or in the same package as this method.
      • getFullMethod

        public String getFullMethod(ClassAnnotation primaryClass)
        Get the "full" method name. This is a format which looks sort of like a method signature that would appear in Java source code.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • writeXML

        public void writeXML(XMLOutput xmlOutput)
                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: XMLWriteable
        Write this object to given XMLOutput.
        xmlOutput - the XMLOutput for the document

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