
Class StdDateFormat

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable

    public class StdDateFormat
    extends DateFormat
    Default DateFormat implementation used by standard Date serializers and deserializers. For serialization defaults to using an ISO-8601 compliant format (format String "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ") and for deserialization, both ISO-8601 and RFC-1123.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        protected static final Pattern PATTERN_PLAIN
      • PATTERN_ISO8601

        protected static final Pattern PATTERN_ISO8601

        public static final String DATE_FORMAT_STR_ISO8601
        Defines a commonly used date format that conforms to ISO-8601 date formatting standard, when it includes basic undecorated timezone definition.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final String DATE_FORMAT_STR_PLAIN
        ISO-8601 with just the Date part, no time: needed for error messages
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final String DATE_FORMAT_STR_RFC1123
        This constant defines the date format specified by RFC 1123 / RFC 822. Used for parsing via `SimpleDateFormat` as well as error messages.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final String[] ALL_FORMATS
        For error messages we'll also need a list of all formats.

        protected static final TimeZone DEFAULT_TIMEZONE
        By default we use UTC for everything, with Jackson 2.7 and later (2.6 and earlier relied on GMT)

        protected static final Locale DEFAULT_LOCALE
      • DATE_FORMAT_RFC1123

        protected static final DateFormat DATE_FORMAT_RFC1123
      • DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601

        protected static final DateFormat DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601
      • instance

        public static final StdDateFormat instance
        A singleton instance can be used for cloning purposes, as a blueprint of sorts.
      • CALENDAR

        protected static final Calendar CALENDAR
        Blueprint "Calendar" instance for use during formatting. Cannot be used as is, due to thread-safety issues, but can be used for constructing actual instances more cheaply by cloning.
      • _timezone

        protected transient TimeZone _timezone
        Caller may want to explicitly override timezone to use; if so, we will have non-null value here.
      • _locale

        protected final Locale _locale
      • _lenient

        protected Boolean _lenient
        Explicit override for leniency, if specified.

        Cannot be `final` because setLenient(boolean) returns `void`.

    • Constructor Detail

      • StdDateFormat

        public StdDateFormat()
      • StdDateFormat

        protected StdDateFormat(TimeZone tz,
                     Locale loc,
                     Boolean lenient,
                     boolean formatTzOffsetWithColon)
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultTimeZone

        public static TimeZone getDefaultTimeZone()
      • withTimeZone

        public StdDateFormat withTimeZone(TimeZone tz)
        Method used for creating a new instance with specified timezone; if no timezone specified, defaults to the default timezone (UTC).
      • withLocale

        public StdDateFormat withLocale(Locale loc)
        "Mutant factory" method that will return an instance that uses specified Locale: either this instance (if setting would not change), or newly constructed instance with different Locale to use.
      • withLenient

        public StdDateFormat withLenient(Boolean b)
        "Mutant factory" method that will return an instance that has specified leniency setting: either this instance (if setting would not change), or newly constructed instance.
      • withColonInTimeZone

        public StdDateFormat withColonInTimeZone(boolean b)
        "Mutant factory" method that will return an instance that has specified handling of colon when serializing timezone (timezone either written like +0500 or +05:00): either this instance (if setting would not change), or newly constructed instance with desired setting for colon inclusion.

        NOTE: does NOT affect deserialization as colon is optional accepted but not required -- put another way, either serialization is accepted by this class.

      • getISO8601Format

        public static DateFormat getISO8601Format(TimeZone tz,
                                             Locale loc)
        Deprecated. Since 2.9
        Method for getting a non-shared DateFormat instance that uses specified timezone and can handle simple ISO-8601 compliant date format.
      • getRFC1123Format

        public static DateFormat getRFC1123Format(TimeZone tz,
                                             Locale loc)
        Deprecated. Since 2.9
        Method for getting a non-shared DateFormat instance that uses specific timezone and can handle RFC-1123 compliant date format.
      • setLenient

        public void setLenient(boolean enabled)
        Need to override since we need to keep track of leniency locally, and not via underlying Calendar instance like base class does.
        setLenient in class DateFormat
      • isColonIncludedInTimeZone

        public boolean isColonIncludedInTimeZone()
        Accessor for checking whether this instance would include colon within timezone serialization or not: if {code true}, timezone offset is serialized like -06:00; if {code false} as -0600.

        NOTE: only relevant for serialization (formatting), as deserialization (parsing) always accepts optional colon but does not require it, regardless of this setting.

        true if a colon is to be inserted between the hours and minutes of the TZ offset when serializing as String; otherwise false
      • toPattern

        public String toPattern()
      • looksLikeISO8601

        protected boolean looksLikeISO8601(String dateStr)
        Helper method used to figure out if input looks like valid ISO-8601 string.
      • _clearFormats

        protected void _clearFormats()
      • _equals

        protected static <T> boolean _equals(T value1,
                          T value2)

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