
Class ISO8601Utils

  • public class ISO8601Utils
    extends Object
    Utilities methods for manipulating dates in iso8601 format. This is much much faster and GC friendly than using SimpleDateFormat so highly suitable if you (un)serialize lots of date objects. Supported parse format: [yyyy-MM-dd|yyyyMMdd][T(hh:mm[:ss[.sss]]|hhmm[ss[.sss]])]?[Z|[+-]hh[:]mm]]
    See Also:
    this specification
    • Constructor Detail

      • ISO8601Utils

        public ISO8601Utils()
    • Method Detail

      • timeZoneGMT

        public static TimeZone timeZoneGMT()
        Deprecated. since 2.6
        Accessor for static GMT timezone instance.
      • format

        public static String format(Date date)
        Format a date into 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ' (default timezone, no milliseconds precision)
        date - the date to format
        the date formatted as 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ'
      • format

        public static String format(Date date,
                    boolean millis)
        Format a date into 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss]Z' (GMT timezone)
        date - the date to format
        millis - true to include millis precision otherwise false
        the date formatted as 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss]Z'
      • format

        public static String format(Date date,
                    boolean millis,
                    TimeZone tz)
        Format date into yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss][Z|[+-]hh:mm]
        date - the date to format
        millis - true to include millis precision otherwise false
        tz - timezone to use for the formatting (UTC will produce 'Z')
        the date formatted as yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss][Z|[+-]hh:mm]
      • parse

        public static Date parse(String date,
                 ParsePosition pos)
                          throws ParseException
        Parse a date from ISO-8601 formatted string. It expects a format [yyyy-MM-dd|yyyyMMdd][T(hh:mm[:ss[.sss]]|hhmm[ss[.sss]])]?[Z|[+-]hh:mm]]
        date - ISO string to parse in the appropriate format.
        pos - The position to start parsing from, updated to where parsing stopped.
        the parsed date
        ParseException - if the date is not in the appropriate format

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