
Class ByteArraySerializer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    JsonFormatVisitable, SchemaAware, Serializable

    public class ByteArraySerializer
    extends StdSerializer<byte[]>
    Unlike other integral number array serializers, we do not just print out byte values as numbers. Instead, we assume that it would make more sense to output content as base64 encoded bytes (using default base64 encoding).

    NOTE: since it is NOT serialized as an array, can not use AsArraySerializer as base

    NOTE: since 2.6, has been a main-level class; earlier was embedded in StdArraySerializers.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ByteArraySerializer

        public ByteArraySerializer()
    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty(SerializerProvider prov,
                      byte[] value)
        Description copied from class: JsonSerializer
        Method called to check whether given serializable value is considered "empty" value (for purposes of suppressing serialization of empty values).

        Default implementation will consider only null values to be empty.

        NOTE: replaces JsonSerializer.isEmpty(Object), deprecated in 2.5

        isEmpty in class JsonSerializer<byte[]>
      • serialize

        public void serialize(byte[] value,
                     JsonGenerator g,
                     SerializerProvider provider)
                       throws IOException
        Description copied from class: JsonSerializer
        Method that can be called to ask implementation to serialize values of type this serializer handles.
        Specified by:
        serialize in class StdSerializer<byte[]>
        value - Value to serialize; can not be null.
        g - Generator used to output resulting Json content
        provider - Provider that can be used to get serializers for serializing Objects value contains, if any.
      • serializeWithType

        public void serializeWithType(byte[] value,
                             JsonGenerator g,
                             SerializerProvider provider,
                             TypeSerializer typeSer)
                               throws IOException
        Description copied from class: JsonSerializer
        Method that can be called to ask implementation to serialize values of type this serializer handles, using specified type serializer for embedding necessary type information.

        Default implementation will throw UnsupportedOperationException to indicate that proper type handling needs to be implemented.

        For simple datatypes written as a single scalar value (JSON String, Number, Boolean), implementation would look like:

          // note: method to call depends on whether this type is serialized as JSON scalar, object or Array!
          typeSer.writeTypePrefixForScalar(value, gen);
          serialize(value, gen, provider);
          typeSer.writeTypeSuffixForScalar(value, gen);
        and implementations for type serialized as JSON Arrays or Objects would differ slightly, as START-ARRAY/END-ARRAY and START-OBJECT/END-OBJECT pairs need to be properly handled with respect to serializing of contents.

        serializeWithType in class JsonSerializer<byte[]>
        value - Value to serialize; can not be null.
        g - Generator used to output resulting Json content
        provider - Provider that can be used to get serializers for serializing Objects value contains, if any.
        typeSer - Type serializer to use for including type information

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