
Class DoubleNode

    • Field Detail

      • _value

        protected final double _value
    • Constructor Detail

      • DoubleNode

        public DoubleNode(double v)
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static DoubleNode valueOf(double v)
      • asToken

        public JsonToken asToken()
        Description copied from class: BaseJsonNode
        Method that can be used for efficient type detection when using stream abstraction for traversing nodes. Will return the first JsonToken that equivalent stream event would produce (for most nodes there is just one token but for structured/container types multiple)
        Specified by:
        asToken in interface TreeNode
        Specified by:
        asToken in class ValueNode
      • isFloatingPointNumber

        public boolean isFloatingPointNumber()
        isFloatingPointNumber in class JsonNode
        True if this node represents a non-integral numeric JSON value
      • canConvertToInt

        public boolean canConvertToInt()
        Description copied from class: JsonNode
        Method that can be used to check whether this node is a numeric node (JsonNode.isNumber() would return true) AND its value fits within Java's 32-bit signed integer type, int. Note that floating-point numbers are convertible if the integral part fits without overflow (as per standard Java coercion rules)

        NOTE: this method does not consider possible value type conversion from JSON String into Number; so even if this method returns false, it is possible that JsonNode.asInt() could still succeed if node is a JSON String representing integral number, or boolean.

        Specified by:
        canConvertToInt in class NumericNode
      • canConvertToLong

        public boolean canConvertToLong()
        Description copied from class: JsonNode
        Method that can be used to check whether this node is a numeric node (JsonNode.isNumber() would return true) AND its value fits within Java's 64-bit signed integer type, long. Note that floating-point numbers are convertible if the integral part fits without overflow (as per standard Java coercion rules)

        NOTE: this method does not consider possible value type conversion from JSON String into Number; so even if this method returns false, it is possible that JsonNode.asLong() could still succeed if node is a JSON String representing integral number, or boolean.

        Specified by:
        canConvertToLong in class NumericNode
      • numberValue

        public Number numberValue()
        Description copied from class: JsonNode
        Returns numeric value for this node, if and only if this node is numeric (JsonNode.isNumber() returns true); otherwise returns null
        Specified by:
        numberValue in class NumericNode
        Number value this node contains, if any (null for non-number nodes).
      • shortValue

        public short shortValue()
        Description copied from class: JsonNode
        Returns 16-bit short value for this node, if and only if this node is numeric (JsonNode.isNumber() returns true). For other types returns 0. For floating-point numbers, value is truncated using default Java coercion, similar to how cast from double to short operates.
        shortValue in class JsonNode
        Short value this node contains, if any; 0 for non-number nodes.
      • intValue

        public int intValue()
        Description copied from class: JsonNode
        Returns integer value for this node, if and only if this node is numeric (JsonNode.isNumber() returns true). For other types returns 0. For floating-point numbers, value is truncated using default Java coercion, similar to how cast from double to int operates.
        Specified by:
        intValue in class NumericNode
        Integer value this node contains, if any; 0 for non-number nodes.
      • longValue

        public long longValue()
        Description copied from class: JsonNode
        Returns 64-bit long value for this node, if and only if this node is numeric (JsonNode.isNumber() returns true). For other types returns 0. For floating-point numbers, value is truncated using default Java coercion, similar to how cast from double to long operates.
        Specified by:
        longValue in class NumericNode
        Long value this node contains, if any; 0 for non-number nodes.
      • floatValue

        public float floatValue()
        Description copied from class: JsonNode
        Returns 32-bit floating value for this node, if and only if this node is numeric (JsonNode.isNumber() returns true). For other types returns 0.0. For integer values, conversion is done using coercion; this means that an overflow is possible for `long` values
        floatValue in class JsonNode
        32-bit float value this node contains, if any; 0.0 for non-number nodes.
      • doubleValue

        public double doubleValue()
        Description copied from class: JsonNode
        Returns 64-bit floating point (double) value for this node, if and only if this node is numeric (JsonNode.isNumber() returns true). For other types returns 0.0. For integer values, conversion is done using coercion; this may result in overflows with BigInteger values.
        Specified by:
        doubleValue in class NumericNode
        64-bit double value this node contains, if any; 0.0 for non-number nodes.
      • asText

        public String asText()
        Description copied from class: JsonNode
        Method that will return a valid String representation of the container value, if the node is a value node (method JsonNode.isValueNode() returns true), otherwise empty String.
        Specified by:
        asText in class NumericNode
      • equals

        public boolean equals(Object o)
        Description copied from class: JsonNode
        Equality for node objects is defined as full (deep) value equality. This means that it is possible to compare complete JSON trees for equality by comparing equality of root nodes.

        Note: marked as abstract to ensure all implementation classes define it properly and not rely on definition from Object.

        Specified by:
        equals in class JsonNode

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