
Class CoreXMLSerializers.XMLGregorianCalendarSerializer

    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLGregorianCalendarSerializer

        public XMLGregorianCalendarSerializer()
      • XMLGregorianCalendarSerializer

        protected XMLGregorianCalendarSerializer(JsonSerializer<?> del)
    • Method Detail

      • getDelegatee

        public JsonSerializer<?> getDelegatee()
        Description copied from class: JsonSerializer
        Accessor that can be used to determine if this serializer uses another serializer for actual serialization, by delegating calls. If so, will return immediate delegate (which itself may delegate to further serializers); otherwise will return null.
        getDelegatee in class JsonSerializer<XMLGregorianCalendar>
        Serializer this serializer delegates calls to, if null; null otherwise.
      • serializeWithType

        public void serializeWithType(XMLGregorianCalendar value,
                                      JsonGenerator g,
                                      SerializerProvider provider,
                                      TypeSerializer typeSer)
                               throws IOException
        Description copied from class: JsonSerializer
        Method that can be called to ask implementation to serialize values of type this serializer handles, using specified type serializer for embedding necessary type information.

        Default implementation will throw UnsupportedOperationException to indicate that proper type handling needs to be implemented.

        For simple datatypes written as a single scalar value (JSON String, Number, Boolean), implementation would look like:

          // note: method to call depends on whether this type is serialized as JSON scalar, object or Array!
          typeSer.writeTypePrefixForScalar(value, gen);
          serialize(value, gen, provider);
          typeSer.writeTypeSuffixForScalar(value, gen);
        and implementations for type serialized as JSON Arrays or Objects would differ slightly, as START-ARRAY/END-ARRAY and START-OBJECT/END-OBJECT pairs need to be properly handled with respect to serializing of contents.

        serializeWithType in class JsonSerializer<XMLGregorianCalendar>
        value - Value to serialize; can not be null.
        g - Generator used to output resulting Json content
        provider - Provider that can be used to get serializers for serializing Objects value contains, if any.
        typeSer - Type serializer to use for including type information
      • createContextual

        public JsonSerializer<?> createContextual(SerializerProvider prov,
                                                  BeanProperty property)
                                           throws JsonMappingException
        Description copied from interface: ContextualSerializer
        Method called to see if a different (or differently configured) serializer is needed to serialize values of specified property. Note that instance that this method is called on is typically shared one and as a result method should NOT modify this instance but rather construct and return a new instance. This instance should only be returned as-is, in case it is already suitable for use.
        Specified by:
        createContextual in interface ContextualSerializer
        prov - Serializer provider to use for accessing config, other serializers
        property - Method or field that represents the property (and is used to access value to serialize). Should be available; but there may be cases where caller cannot provide it and null is passed instead (in which case impls usually pass 'this' serializer as is)
        Serializer to use for serializing values of specified property; may be this instance or a new instance.

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