Class JsonStringEncoder

  • public final class JsonStringEncoder
    extends Object
    Helper class used for efficient encoding of JSON String values (including JSON field names) into Strings or UTF-8 byte arrays.

    Note that methods in here are somewhat optimized, but not ridiculously so. Reason is that conversion method results are expected to be cached so that these methods will not be hot spots during normal operation.

    • Field Detail

      • _textBuffer

        protected TextBuffer _textBuffer
        Lazily constructed text buffer used to produce JSON encoded Strings as characters (without UTF-8 encoding)
      • _byteBuilder

        protected ByteArrayBuilder _byteBuilder
        Lazily-constructed builder used for UTF-8 encoding of text values (quoted and unquoted)
      • _quoteBuffer

        protected final char[] _quoteBuffer
        Temporary buffer used for composing quote/escape sequences
    • Constructor Detail

      • JsonStringEncoder

        public JsonStringEncoder()
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static JsonStringEncoder getInstance()
        Factory method for getting an instance; this is either recycled per-thread instance, or a newly constructed one.
      • quoteAsString

        public char[] quoteAsString(String input)
        Method that will quote text contents using JSON standard quoting, and return results as a character array
      • quoteAsUTF8

        public byte[] quoteAsUTF8(String text)
        Will quote given JSON String value using standard quoting, encode results as UTF-8, and return result as a byte array.
      • encodeAsUTF8

        public byte[] encodeAsUTF8(String text)
        Will encode given String as UTF-8 (without any quoting), return resulting byte array.
      • _convertSurrogate

        protected static int _convertSurrogate(int firstPart,
                            int secondPart)
      • _illegalSurrogate

        protected static void _illegalSurrogate(int code)

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