Annotation Interface JsonIdentityReference

@Target({ANNOTATION_TYPE,TYPE,FIELD,METHOD,PARAMETER}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface JsonIdentityReference
Optional annotation that can be used for customizing details of a reference to Objects for which "Object Identity" is enabled (see JsonIdentityInfo). The main use case is that of enforcing use of Object Id even for the first time an Object is referenced, instead of first instance being serialized as full POJO.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Marker to indicate whether all referenced values are to be serialized as ids (true); or by serializing the first encountered reference as POJO and only then as id (false).
  • Element Details

    • alwaysAsId

      boolean alwaysAsId
      Marker to indicate whether all referenced values are to be serialized as ids (true); or by serializing the first encountered reference as POJO and only then as id (false).

      Note that if value of 'true' is used, deserialization may require additional contextual information, and possibly using a custom id resolver -- the default handling may not be sufficient.
