Annotation Interface JsonIdentityInfo

@Target({ANNOTATION_TYPE,TYPE,FIELD,METHOD,PARAMETER}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface JsonIdentityInfo
Annotation used for indicating that values of annotated type or property should be serializing so that instances either contain additional object identifier (in addition actual object properties), or as a reference that consists of an object id that refers to a full serialization. In practice this is done by serializing the first instance as full object and object identity, and other references to the object as reference values.

There are two main approaches to generating object identifier: either using a generator (either one of standard ones, or a custom generator), or using a value of a property. The latter case is indicated by using a placeholder generator marker ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator; former by using explicit generator. Object id has to be serialized as a property in case of POJOs; object identity is currently NOT support for JSON Array types (Java arrays or Lists) or Java Map types.

Finally, note that generator type of ObjectIdGenerators.None indicates that no Object Id should be included or used: it is included to allow suppressing Object Ids using mix-in annotations.

  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Class<? extends ObjectIdGenerator<?>>
    Generator to use for producing Object Identifier for objects: either one of pre-defined generators from ObjectIdGenerator, or a custom generator.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Name of JSON property in which Object Id will reside: also, if "from property" marker generator is used, identifies property that will be accessed to get type id.
    Resolver to use for producing POJO from Object Identifier.
    Scope is used to define applicability of an Object Id: all ids must be unique within their scope; where scope is defined as combination of this value and generator type.
  • Element Details

    • generator

      Class<? extends ObjectIdGenerator<?>> generator
      Generator to use for producing Object Identifier for objects: either one of pre-defined generators from ObjectIdGenerator, or a custom generator. Defined as class to instantiate.

      Note that special type ObjectIdGenerators.None can be used to disable inclusion of Object Ids.

    • property

      String property
      Name of JSON property in which Object Id will reside: also, if "from property" marker generator is used, identifies property that will be accessed to get type id. If a property is used, name must match its external name (one defined by annotation, or derived from accessor name as per Java Bean Introspection rules).

      Default value is @id.

    • resolver

      Class<? extends ObjectIdResolver> resolver
      Resolver to use for producing POJO from Object Identifier.

      Default value is SimpleObjectIdResolver

    • scope

      Class<?> scope
      Scope is used to define applicability of an Object Id: all ids must be unique within their scope; where scope is defined as combination of this value and generator type. Comparison is simple equivalence, meaning that both type generator type and scope class must be the same.

      Scope is used for determining how many generators are needed; more than one scope is typically only needed if external Object Ids have overlapping value domains (i.e. are only unique within some limited scope)
