
Enum JsonInclude.Include

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • ALWAYS

        public static final JsonInclude.Include ALWAYS
        Value that indicates that property is to be always included, independent of value of the property.
      • NON_NULL

        public static final JsonInclude.Include NON_NULL
        Value that indicates that only properties with non-null values are to be included.
      • NON_ABSENT

        public static final JsonInclude.Include NON_ABSENT
        Value that indicates that properties are included unless their value is:
        • null
        • "absent" value of a referential type (like Java 8 `Optional`, or AtomicReference); that is, something that would not deference to a non-null value.
        This option is mostly used to work with "Optional"s (Java 8, Guava).
      • NON_EMPTY

        public static final JsonInclude.Include NON_EMPTY
        Value that indicates that only properties with null value, or what is considered empty, are not to be included. Definition of emptiness is data type specific; see below for details on actual handling.

        Default emptiness for all types includes:

        so that as baseline, "empty" set includes values that would be excluded by both NON_NULL and NON_ABSENT.
        Beyond this base, following types have additional empty values:
        • For Collections and Maps, method isEmpty() is called;
        • For Java arrays, empty arrays are ones with length of 0
        • For Java Strings, length() is called, and return value of 0 indicates empty String
        and for other types, null values are excluded but other exclusions (if any).

        Note that this default handling can be overridden by custom JsonSerializer implementation: if method isEmpty() is overridden, it will be called to see if non-null values are considered empty (null is always considered empty).

        Compatibility note: Jackson 2.6 included a wider range of "empty" values than either earlier (up to 2.5) or later (2.7 and beyond) types; specifically:

        • Default values of primitive types (like 0 for `int`/`java.lang.Integer` and `false` for `bool`/`Boolean`)
        • Timestamp 0 for date/time types
        With 2.7, definition has been tightened back to only containing types explained above (null, absent, empty String, empty containers), and now extended definition may be specified using NON_DEFAULT.


        public static final JsonInclude.Include NON_DEFAULT
        Meaning of this setting depends on context: whether annotation is specified for POJO type (class), or not. In latter case annotation is either used as the global default, or as property override.

        When used for a POJO, definition is that only values that differ from the default values of POJO properties are included. This is done by creating an instance of POJO using zero-argument constructor, and accessing property values: value is used as the default value by using equals() method, except for the case where property has `null` value in which case straight null check is used.

        When NOT used for a POJO (that is, as a global default, or as property override), definition is such that:

        • All values considered "empty" (as per NON_EMPTY) are excluded
        • Primitive/wrapper default values are excluded
        • Date/time values that have timestamp (`long` value of milliseconds since epoch, see Date) of `0L` are excluded

      • CUSTOM

        public static final JsonInclude.Include CUSTOM
        Value that indicates that separate filter Object (specified by JsonInclude.valueFilter() for value itself, and/or JsonInclude.contentFilter() for contents of structured types) is to be used for determining inclusion criteria. Filter object's equals(value) method is called with value to serialize; if it returns true value is excluded (that is, filtered out); if false value is included.

        NOTE: the filter will be called for each non-null value, but handling of null value differs: up to Jackson 2.13, call was only made once, but with 2.14 and later filter will be called once for each null value too.


        public static final JsonInclude.Include USE_DEFAULTS
        Pseudo-value used to indicate that the higher-level defaults make sense, to avoid overriding inclusion value. For example, if returned for a property this would use defaults for the class that contains property, if any defined; and if none defined for that, then global serialization inclusion details.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static JsonInclude.Include[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (JsonInclude.Include c : JsonInclude.Include.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static JsonInclude.Include valueOf(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null

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