Interface BaseTransformer<V>

Type Parameters:
V - bigraph or signature class type
All Known Implementing Classes:
BigraphTransformer, DynamicSignatureTransformer, PureBigraphTransformer, PureGroundRuleTransformer, PureParametrizedRuleTransformer, RuleTransformer, SignatureTransformer

public interface BaseTransformer<V>
Base Model-to-Text transformation interface for all kinds f bigraphs, rules, and signatures.
  • Method Details

    • toString

      String toString(V element)
      Redirects the result of an encoding to a string
      element - the bigraph or signature being encoded
    • toOutputStream

      default void toOutputStream(V element, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException
      Redirects the result of an encoding to an output stream.
      element - the bigraph or signature being encoded
      outputStream - the output stream where the result shall be written to
      IOException - because of the stream
    • createNameSupplier

      default Supplier<String> createNameSupplier(String prefix)