protected Object readResolve()
String _name
Note that this is the only non-transient field; used when reading back from serialized state.
Also: must not be private, accessed from `BaseVariants`
protected Object readResolve()
ObjectCodec _objectCodec
int _factoryFeatures
int _parserFeatures
int _generatorFeatures
CharacterEscapes _characterEscapes
InputDecorator _inputDecorator
OutputDecorator _outputDecorator
SerializableString _rootValueSeparator
JsonLocation _location
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
protected Object readResolve()
String _value
byte[] _quotedUTF8Ref
byte[] _unquotedUTF8Ref
char[] _quotedChars
char[] indents
int charsPerLevel
String eol
DefaultPrettyPrinter.Indenter _arrayIndenter
DefaultPrettyPrinter.Indenter _objectIndenter
SerializableString _rootSeparator
boolean _spacesInObjectEntries
Object lock
String _rootValueSeparator
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